contact David N. Cicilline

congress David N. Cicilline Contact information

Here you will find contact information for congress David N. Cicilline, including email address, phone number, and mailing address.

Name David N. Cicilline
Position congress
State Rhode Island
Party Democratic
Office Room 2233 RHOB
Phone number (202) 225-4911
email Email Form
Contact Representative David N. Cicilline
David Nicola Cicilline is an American politician serving as the U.S. Representative for Rhode Island's 1st congressional district since 2011. A member of the Democratic Party, he previously served as the 36th Mayor of Providence from 2003 to 2011, becoming the first openly gay mayor of a U.S. state capital.

David N. Cicilline for congress

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Congressman David N. Cicilline is a champion for Rhode Island. From day one in Congress, David has been a fierce advocate for greater progress and opportunity in America, working his hardest each day so every Rhode Islander can achieve the security of a good life. From protecting Medicare and Social Security, to making it easier for students to finish college without a mountain of debt, to increasing investments in job training and rebuilding America’s infrastructure, to tackling the climate crisis, and cleaning up corruption in Washington – David is at the forefront of every major effort in the House to ensure more Rhode Islanders can reach the middle class and live their retirement with dignity.

These have been extremely difficult times for our state and nation, and David is working hard every day to deliver for Rhode Island. Whether it is advocating for federal funding to help Rhode Island recover from the COVID-19 pandemic, championing infrastructure investments that create good-paying jobs in our state, fighting for the priorities that reflect our shared values, doing everything he can in Congress to help lower costs for families and workers at a time when they need it most, or helping constituents secure the benefits they’ve earned and deserve – David is there for Rhode Islanders.

As chair of the subcommittee responsible for ensuring greater opportunities for consumers, workers, and small business owners, David has introduced legislation to prohibit price gouging during market disruptions like the COVID pandemic and crack down on abuses by big oil and gas companies overcharging Rhode Island families and workers at the pump. He’s leading efforts to address structural problems in our economy that allow a handful of huge corporations to dominate food, fuel, and other essential markets and drive up prices. Congressman Cicilline led a bipartisan investigation into digital markets that showed how large online platforms, like Google and Facebook, use their market dominance to disadvantage small businesses and harm consumer privacy. Based on these findings, David has worked to introduce a bipartisan package of bills to rein in Big Tech and protect consumers.

As a former defense attorney, Cicilline has hit his stride on the Judiciary Committee – authoring the Equality Act – a comprehensive civil rights bill banning discrimination against the LGBTQ community that passed the House, introducing the Assault Weapons Ban Act with a record number of cosponsors, and championing passage of immigration reform and the George Floyd Justice in Policing Act – comprehensive legislation to increase accountability in policing and address racial injustice. David was a cosponsor of the Women’s Health Protection Act, legislation to codify a woman’s right to choose, which passed the House in September 2021. He is actively advocating for the Senate to pass the legislation. David is proud that Rhode Island protects a woman’s right to choose at the State level, but knows we must ensure that this right is extended to every woman across the country, no matter where they live.

As a senior member of the Foreign Affairs Committee, Cicilline has been a leader on international human rights and has advocated for a comprehensive, balanced approach to the full range of national security challenges, including cyber-security, homegrown terrorism, engagement with allies, and combating destabilization abroad to ensure we remain safe at home. David believes in a diplomacy-first approach to international affairs, and is a founder and co-chair of the House Diplomacy Caucus. David has traveled to countries around the world to advocate for democratic governance, and is one of Congress’ leading champions for human rights for all people. David is a member of the House Democracy Partnership, a bipartisan commission of the U.S. House of Representatives working directly with parliaments around the world to bolster democracies. Congressman Cicilline is concerned that authoritarianism is on the rise, and knows we must do all that we can to ensure that democracy thrives by supporting a free press, stopping the spread of disinformation, empowering democratic movements, and not giving in to tyrants when they gain power.

In Congress, Cicilline continues to deliver for Rhode Island’s First District by bringing home hundreds of millions of dollars in federal funding each year to improve roads, schools, public safety, childcare, and more. As one the architects of the Make it in America Agenda in Congress, Cicilline has worked to reinvigorate American manufacturing – authoring legislation signed into law to help American manufacturers compete against foreign businesses for U.S. government contracts, and another that would provide new federal resources for local manufacturing economies like Rhode Island’s.

Prior to being elected to Congress in 2010, Cicilline served as the Mayor of Providence for eight years, and four terms as a State Representative from the East Side of Providence and neighboring Pawtucket.


One of the most important responsibilities we have to our children is ensuring access to high-quality opportunities in education from early childhood to college and beyond. That is why David is dedicated to equipping our children and young adults with the tools they will need to succeed in today’s economy.

Big Tech

In 2019, as Chairman of the U.S. House Antitrust, Commercial, and Administrative Law (ACAL) Subcommittee, Congressman Cicilline began a bipartisan investigation into digital markets to determine if competition problems exist in the digital economy and whether existing law is sufficient to address such problems.

Energy and Environment

The natural treasures that make Rhode Island such a special place to call home require steadfast stewardship. David understands the importance of this responsibility and has worked hard in Congress to defend our environment and advance the development of renewable energy technology.

Gun Violence Prevention

Each day more than 100 Americans die in an incident of gun violence, on average that is more than 45,000 gun-deaths each year. Furthermore, on average, over 110,000 people in the United States are shot every year, including about 8,000 teens and children.

Health Care

The Affordable Care Act (ACA) expanded coverage to thousands of Rhode Islanders, reduced costs, drove reform of the health care delivery system, and provided thousands of Rhode Islanders with the peace of mind that health insurance will be there for them when they get sick.

Immigration Reform

Our current immigration system is broken. Unfortunately, Senate Republicans refuse to come to the table to address this issue and pass comprehensive immigration reform, but David is working in the House and with the Biden administration for a more fair, just, and orderly immigration system.

Inflation & Gas Prices

Just as many folks in our state were finally recovering from the economic devastation caused by the pandemic, they are again finding it difficult to pay bills, buy groceries, or fill a tank of gas. Rhode Islanders are feeling the pain of inflation, and David knows that households in our state are being hit hard by the rise in prices at the pump and the grocery check-out.

Jobs and Economic Growth

From day one in Congress, David’s energy and focus have centered on ensuring more Rhode Islanders have access to good-paying jobs. Cicilline is working hard every day to create, expand, and sustain economic opportunities for all Rhode Islanders.

LGBTQ+ Rights

Over the past several years, hundreds of anti-LGBTQ+ laws have been introduced in state legislatures across the country. In the 2022 state legislative season alone, more than two dozen anti-LGBTQ+ state bills have been signed into law. These laws have disproportionately targeted transgender and nonbinary youth. David Cicilline is fighting back against these state laws, advocating for robust federal protections for the LGBTQ+ community.

National Security & Foreign Affairs

Our government has no more basic responsibility than providing for the safety and security of our citizens.

Americans must have complete confidence that all levels of government are working collaboratively to provide the highest level of security and protection. In Congress, David has worked hard to enhance Rhode Island’s emergency management response and preparedness programs, as well as homeland security capabilities.

Opioid Crisis

Rhode Island, like much of the country, is suffering a devastating overdose crisis that is causing unbelievable pain for so many families. Over the past few years, hundreds of families have lost loved ones to drug overdose. Addiction has struck every community in Rhode Island – urban and rural; young and old; rich, poor, and middle class. The disease of addiction does not discriminate.

Racial Justice

Our country stands at a crossroads. For centuries, the fight against racial inequality has moved at a glacial pace. The victories in this struggle, while significant, have been too few and far between.

The death of George Floyd has forced our country to acknowledge that any progress we have made is simply not enough. Black men and women face challenges and obstacles that white Americans do not experience and cannot comprehend.

Retirement Security

After a lifetime of hard work, Rhode Island’s seniors have earned the right to enjoy their retirement years with dignity, financial security, and quality affordable health care. It is critically important to David that we provide our nation’s seniors with access to quality health care, affordable prescription drugs, a secure retirement, safe housing, and responsive transportation services that help seniors live active and fulfilling lives.

US-Israel Relationship

As a Member of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, David has been a consistent supporter of a robust relationship with Israel. Israel is a strong and brave democracy and has been since its founding nearly 75 years ago. . The State of Israel was founded on the values of pluralism, justice, and respect for human rights, and as a practicing Jew, David is proud that Israel continues to embody those same values today. It is because of these shared values and commitment to protecting marginalized communities and workers, and a strong belief in freedom of speech and an impartial judiciary, that the relationship between the United States and Israel is so strong and mutually reinforcing.


The freedoms we enjoy as a nation are born from the many sacrifices of our veterans and their families. The brave men and women who have worn the uniform, and who today put their lives on the line in defense of our democracy, deserve our deepest respect and gratitude. Above all, the sacrifices of our veterans warrant our solemn commitment to providing high-quality health care, education, and employment opportunities as they transition from military service to civilian life.

Women’s Rights

In Congress, as a steadfast advocate for women and families, David Cicilline is promoting policies that enhance economic opportunity and health outcomes for Rhode Islanders. Even as Senate Republicans refuse to guarantee women equal pay for equal work, David is there time and again to stand up for what’s right. He has championed the Paycheck Fairness Act, which passed the House in 2021 and would put an end to the economic injustice where women on average earn 80 cents for every dollar a man earns. And, with women representing nearly two-thirds of minimum wage earners, David advocated for passage of the Raise the Wage Act, legislation that will increase the federal minimum wage, provide a higher minimum wage for tipped workers, and remove politics from future minimum wage increases by indexing it to median wage growth.

Workers' Rights

America’s working families are facing tremendous challenges today at every level of government, made worse by the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. Stagnant wages, attacks on collective bargaining, attempts to weaken retirement security, and a tax code that is rigged against working people have all weakened the American Dream.

Working Hard for Rhode Island

Congressman David Cicilline is a proven fighter who puts the interests of his constituents first and works hard every day to improve the lives of Rhode Island families. In Congress, he has been aggressively fighting for legislation that would help more Rhode Islanders get ahead.

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