contact Daniel Meuser

congress Daniel Meuser Contact information

Here you will find contact information for congress Daniel Meuser, including email address, phone number, and mailing address.

Name Daniel Meuser
Position congress
State Pennsylvania
Party Republican
Office Room 414 CHOB
Phone number (202) 225-6511
email Email Form
Contact Representative Daniel Meuser
Daniel P. Meuser is an American businessman and politician who serves as the U.S Representative in Pennsylvania's 9th congressional district. A Republican, he previously served as the Secretary of Revenue in the cabinet of Pennsylvania Governor Tom Corbett.

Daniel Meuser for congress

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Congressman Dan Meuser is a proven job creator, has served the public, and invested in his community. Now Dan is representing Pennsylvania’s 9th District in Congress. Dan currently serves on the Education & Labor, Veterans' Affairs and Budget Committees during the 116th Congress.

Dan Meuser ran for Congress because he believes our politics today are broken. Rather than rally around our country, too many politicians on the left are more interested in scoring political points. Now, more than ever, business leaders and conservatives who know how to get things done need to step up and run for office so we have a government that works, for the people, not against them.


Dan grew up in a typical middle class family. His dad was a detective in the police department and his mom stayed home with his siblings until they went to school and she rejoined the workforce.

It was at home where Dan learned the dignity of hard work, the value of public service, and the duty to help others. He also learned that a problem was just an opportunity to make things better.

After high school, Dan attended the New York Maritime University and transferred to Cornell on a Navy ROTC scholarship.


Dan joined a small company called Pride Health Care (later named Pride Mobility Products). Dan helped build Pride Mobility into an industry leader in the power mobility field. Over two decades, Dan helped build Pride Mobility from a small business to a large employer. It was named one of the state’s best places to work.

Dan’s greatest accomplishment at Pride Mobility is creating thousands of family sustaining jobs that have helped thousands of workers provide for their families.

Pride Mobility continues to lead the industry and improve the quality of life for people around the world.


In 2011, Governor Tom Corbett nominated Dan to serve as Pennsylvania’s Secretary of Revenue.

Dan worked to reform the Department of Revenue (DOR), increase efficiencies, and put into place customer-first procedures. Dan worked to transform the Department from a tax collection agency to a taxpayer advocacy agency. Under Dan’s leadership, DOR started treating taxpayers like customers and applied private sector ideas to the Department.

Dan reminded DOR employees every day that every decision they made should be aligned with putting more money in the pockets of taxpayers.

Dan’s leadership was recognized by the Council On State Taxation for having the most dramatic improvement of any department of revenue in the country, going from a D rating to an A-, the most improved department of revenue during Dan’s tenure.


Dan and his wife of 27 years, Shelley, have raised their three children here in our community. Over the years, Dan and Shelley have worked to improve their community through countless charities and neighborhood improvement efforts.

Dan also worked tirelessly to make sure we elected conservative leaders at all levels of government. Dan supported candidates across the state financially. Even more important, he invested his time and energy in getting conservative candidates elected.


Now Dan is ready to put to work his experience and conservative values for the people of the 9th District. As our Congressman, Dan is a conservative problem solver who is accessible and present in our community.

Dan will fight for an economy that works for everyone, a tax system that values the middle class, and to protect and strengthen Social Security and Medicare.

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