contact Chuck Edwards

congress Chuck Edwards Contact information

Here you will find contact information for congress Chuck Edwards, including email address, phone number, and mailing address.

Name Chuck Edwards
Position congress
State North Carolina
Party Republican
Office Room 1505 Longworth House Office Building
Phone number (202) 225-6401
email Email Form
Contact Representative Chuck Edwards
Congressman Chuck Edwards serves as the U.S. representative for North Carolina’s 11th District, which covers 15 counties in the state’s western mountains.

Chuck Edwards for congress

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Congressman Chuck Edwards serves as the U.S. representative for North Carolina’s 11th District, which covers 15 counties in the state’s western mountains.

A Hendersonville businessman and civic leader, Chuck previously served three terms in the North Carolina Senate beginning in 2016. There, he gained a reputation as a workhorse, serving on 18 committees – chairing eight of them – and focusing on improving the lives of those in his district and for all North Carolinians.

In November 2022, Chuck was elected to Congress.

In the U.S. House of Representatives, Chuck’s work ethic was recognized, and he has the rare honor as a freshman of being selected to sit on three committees: the Transportation and Infrastructure Committee, the Budget Committee, and the Committee on Oversight and Government Accountability.

He serves on six subcommittees: On Oversight, he sits on Cybersecurity, Information Technology and Government Innovation; Economic Growth, Energy Policy and Regulatory Affairs; Government Operations and the Federal Workforce.

On Transportation and Infrastructure, he sits on Economic Development, Public Buildings and Emergency Management; Highways and Transit; and Water Resources and Environment.

However, as important as that legislative work is, Chuck’s main focus continues to be serving his constituents, helping them interface with federal agencies, assisting with problems, and trying to make life better for Western North Carolinians. His office motto is “First in constituent services.”

Chuck and his wife, Teresa, live in Flat Rock, NC.


In the NC Senate, I sponsored the legislation that outlawed sanctuary cities in North Carolina. I believe it is the basic responsibility of our government to keep people safe. The Democrats in Washington have failed at that responsibility.

The U.S. Customs and Border Patrol announced that 2 million migrants tried to cross our southern border in 2021, and nearly 179,000 were apprehended in December alone. Tens of thousands of those were unaccompanied children, resulting in a humanitarian crisis.

In the year since Joe Biden has been president, the situation at our southern border has deteriorated. The Biden administration has considered writing $450,000 checks to illegal immigrants who broke the law coming here, and Democrats in Congress have pushed for mass amnesty and for taxpayer-funded benefits.

It’s also a national security crisis. Since President Biden has taken office, the Border Patrol has arrested migrants from more than 50 countries, including several on the Department of Homeland Security’s terrorist watch list, and others from the criminal gang MS-13.

I will always put America’s security first. That means strengthening our borders, restoring funding to build the wall, and forcing all federal agencies to enforce our immigration laws. We need to keep out those who want to break our laws, do us harm, or not wait their turn.


I support a Balanced Budget Amendment to the Constitution. It works for North Carolina - it can work for America.

We don’t have a debt crisis in this country. We have a spending crisis.

Thousands of Western North Carolina families who sit at their kitchen tables paying monthly bills understand this basic financial rule: You can’t spend more than you make. Having a budget and living within your means is essential to keeping track of your financial health. The same is true for our country.

I am the only candidate in this race who has actually balanced a government budget. North Carolina requires it, and Washington should, too.

If elected, one of my top priorities will be to introduce legislation to enact a Balanced Budget Amendment.


The cost of filling up your gas tank has gone up about $1 a gallon since Joe Biden was sworn in. Western North Carolinians are paying about $25 more every time they go to the pump than they did in January 2020, when Biden became president. Fuel prices are now at a seven-year high.

It doesn’t have to be this way. America has the largest energy resources in the world. And under President Trump, America became the world’s largest producer of oil and natural gas.

From Day One, President Biden declared war on American energy, including shutting down construction of the Keystone XL pipeline – which also cost thousands of American jobs – and banning exploration of oil and gas in the Arctic. He also banned oil and gas leasing on federal lands.

Western North Carolinians are paying the price for the Democrats’ war on American energy. It not only means you’re shelling out more of your hard-earned paycheck at the gas pump, but it also means that America is more dependent than ever on its foreign adversaries.

Congress needs to pursue policies that make America an energy-independent nation once again. These policies were strongly supported by President Trump. Our nation needs to become an energy exporter again, and I will only support energy policies that empower American, not foreign governments.

We don’t need to put our country and our livelihoods at risk for liberal energy and climate experiments like the Green New Deal that reward China while hamstringing America. Each of us can do our part, but I will fight any efforts to add more regulations on our businesses and our way of life.


Only parents know what’s best for their children – not the government.

That’s why in the NC Senate, I’ve fought for more school choice and more transparency by school boards. They should be made up of parents, not bureaucrats.

School choice is about empowering parents to decide how and when their children receive their education, regardless of background or ZIP code.

Parents also deserve to know what their children are being taught. In the NC Senate, I’ve stood against the Democrats forcing mandates, school closures and the teaching of radical Critical Race Theory on our children.

I will continue to fight for the rights of parents and students, and to encourage WNC parents to speak up and get involved.


Chuck Edwards is committed to protecting social security by stopping the Washington politicians who continue to raid the Social Security Trust fund and those who want to reduce benefits to our seniors. Chuck Edwards understands that those who have already given so much to our communities, state and country deserve to have a congressman they can trust to protect social security.

Chuck Edwards is a businessman who has proven to us in Raleigh that he will fight to protect the taxpayer and to protect the interest of all our retirees.


I am very proud of my record of supporting law enforcement while in the NC Senate. Whether it be fighting against sactuary cities or fighting for legislation that allows our first responders to more effectively protect and serve, you can believe that I will continue to be an advocate for those that put their lives on the line to serve and protect ours.

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