contact Anthony D'Esposito

congress Anthony D'Esposito Contact information

Here you will find contact information for congress Anthony D'Esposito, including email address, phone number, and mailing address.

Name Anthony D'Esposito
Position congress
State New York
Party Republican
Office Room 1508 Longworth House Office Building
Phone number (202) 225-5516
email Email Form
Contact Representative Anthony D'Esposito
Congressman Anthony D’Esposito represents New York’s 4th Congressional District in the United States House of Representatives. The district, comprising the majority of the Town of Hempstead and the City of Long Beach on Long Island, is a culturally diverse suburban locale known for its miles of sandy beaches, thriving downtown business districts, and quaint communities.

Anthony D'Esposito for congress

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Congressman Anthony D’Esposito represents New York’s 4th Congressional District in the United States House of Representatives. The district, comprising the majority of the Town of Hempstead and the City of Long Beach on Long Island, is a culturally diverse suburban locale known for its miles of sandy beaches, thriving downtown business districts, and quaint communities.

Anthony D’Esposito is committed to delivering real results for the residents of NY-04. As a congressional freshman with experience in both local government and law enforcement, Anthony is uniquely qualified to tackle the major issues impacting Americans today while bringing a fresh set of ideas to Capitol Hill.

Prior to being elected to Congress, Anthony served as a Councilman in the Town of Hempstead from 2016 to 2023, where he worked across party lines to deliver good municipal services to the nearly 800,000 residents of America’s largest township. During his time on the Town Council, Anthony passed several consecutive annual budgets that froze or outright cut residents’ town taxes. As a result of his fiscally conservative budgeting practices, Anthony presided over multiple Town of Hempstead credit rating upgrades while simultaneously delivering important tax relief for his neighbors.

Earlier in his career, Anthony fought crime on the streets of New York as an NYPD Detective for more than a decade — making over 600 arrests in connection with murders, shootings, assaults and illegal firearms. Anthony’s first responder experience also extends to the fire service, where he served as Chief of the Island Park Fire Department – notably leading the volunteer organization through the aftermath of Superstorm Sandy.

In addition to his public service work, Anthony D’Esposito volunteers his time as both a member and leader of many civic, fraternal, and philanthropic organizations. Anthony is a proud graduate of Chaminade High School (’00) and earned a B.A. in English from Hofstra University (’04).

Congressman D’Esposito resides in his hometown of Island Park, New York.


ANTHONY D’ESPOSITO WAS ELECTED TO REPRESENT NEW YORK’S 4TH CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICT IN NOVEMBER 2022. PREVIOUSLY, D’ESPOSITO WAS APPOINTED TO THE HEMPSTEAD TOWN COUNCIL IN 2016 AND WON ELECTION TO A FULL TERM IN 2017. HE WAS REELECTED WITH NEARLY 70% OF THE VOTE IN 2021. Before his appointment to the Hempstead Town Council, Anthony D’Esposito served as an NYPD Detective for over a decade—making over 600 arrests concerning murders, shootings, assaults, and illegal firearms. D’Esposito also served as Chief of the Island Park Fire Department when Superstorm Sandy devastated the region.

As a Hempstead Town Councilman, Anthony D’Esposito helped lead America’s largest town. Building on his commitment to protect taxpayers by “doing more with less,” D’Esposito cut or froze town taxes in each of the last four budgets passed by the Hempstead Town Board. This resulted in multiple credit rating upgrades from respected Wall Street credit rating agencies, Moody’s Investors Service and S&P Global Ratings.

On the Town Council, Anthony led the Town’s pandemic response, providing assistance to local businesses, healthcare providers and struggling families. He helped address food insecurity and enable businesses to keep their doors open. To combat the heroin crisis affecting suburban communities, D’Esposito has trained and equipped over 10,000 Hempstead residents with lifesaving Narcan doses.

Anthony D’Esposito’s work to support local schools, hospitals and first responders during the pandemic built upon his work in the aftermath of Superstorm Sandy. In recognition of his unyielding commitment to Sandy recovery efforts, D’Esposito was appointed Co-Chairman of New York State’s Community Reconstruction Plan. As a Hempstead Town Councilman, Anthony passed several Sandy initiatives that helped streamline the local recovery process.

D’Esposito serves on the Board of Directors for the Francis X. Pendl Nassau County Firefighters Museum and Education Center and is on the Board of Directors of Limb Kind Foundation. He is a Second Battalion Delegate and a member of the New York Association of Fire Chiefs, as well as an honorary member of the Nassau County Firefighters Pipes and Drums.

Anthony also serves on the Board of Directors of RVC Blue Speaks, an organization that helps promote autism awareness. He is a member of the Italian Americans in government and is a co-founder of the Jimi Gubelli Foundations. He is also a member of the Fraternal Order of Police, 3rd Degree Knight, Father Joseph O’Connell Council Number 3481, Knights of Columbus of Oceanside and a member of the Order Sons of Italy in America, Judge Frank A. Gulotta Lodge Number 2180. He also serves as Co-Chairman of the United States Marine Corps Toys for Tots Program.

The East Rockaway Chamber of Commerce honored D’Esposito as “Man of the Year” in 2016 and he was also honored by the Oceanside United Soccer Club as “Volunteer of the Year” for 2019-2020. He is the proud recipient of the “Anthony D’Esposito Award for Excellence” in 2020 by the Board of Directors of the Law Enforcement Officers Weekend (LEO Weekend), an organization which supports law enforcement families affected by a line of duty death or serious injury.

In 2021, Anthony received the Congressman Norman Lent Award for Public Service and the SCOPE Educational Services Community Service Award for Outstanding Service to the Island Park Union Free School District. He was named “Man of the Year” by the Chabad of Hewlett and has received the Nassau County Francis X. Pendl Humanitarian Award, Town of Hempstead Distinguished Service Award, and more than 50 police department medals for his commitment to service and protecting residents, including the 2016 Public Service Award for the New York Police Chief’s Benevolent Association. He was also honored by the Nassau County Sheriff’s Correction Officers Benevolent Association for his dedicated public service.


With inflation at a 40-year high, hardworking Nassau County families are facing a hidden inflation tax on everything they buy–from gasoline for their cars to milk at the grocery store. To stem the inflation crisis, Congressman D’Esposito will put an end to out-of-control federal spending, failed policies and the inability to solve disruptions to the supply chain. As Hempstead Town Councilman, Anthony D’Esposito cut or froze taxes in each of the last four budgets passed by the Hempstead Town Board and, in Congress, he will continue protecting taxpayers by “doing more with less.”


As a retired NYPD Detective who made more than 600 arrests in connection with murders, shootings, assaults, bribery and possession of illegal weapons, Anthony D’Esposito has made public safety the centerpiece of his public service. In the House of Representatives, Congressman D’Esposito will work to roll back New York’s cashless bail law that has released thousands of dangerous criminals back onto our streets and other failed criminal justice policies that prevent law enforcement from keeping our communities safe. He will also use his experience in the NYPD and as Chief of the Island Park Fire Department to ensure law enforcement and first responders receive the resources and support they need.


The world is safest when America is strongest. Anthony D’Esposito believes in Ronald Reagan’s adage of Peace through Strength, and that begins by showing leadership on a global stage that puts America’s safety and security first. It also means that America’s military remains the world’s most elite and powerful fighting force. In the House of Representatives, Congressman D’Esposito will ensure that our brave men and women in uniform have the funding, equipment and support they need if and when they must defend our freedoms.


Two short years ago, America was energy independent and Americans benefited from historically low energy prices. After that independence was sacrificed, gas prices soared to a 15-year high and we once again became reliant on foreign nations to meet our energy needs. To restore our energy independence and lower costs for hardworking families, we need an all of the above strategy that leverages both our natural resources and American innovation to fuel our country and ensure we are never again reliant on hostile countries like Iran, Venezuela and Russia.


Every American should have access to high-quality, affordable health care, including individuals with pre-existing conditions. By strengthening the employer-provided health insurance system, as well as the social safety net, and investing in our local hospital systems, Anthony D’Esposito will ensure that federal health care policy empowers patients to make their own health care decisions, lowers the cost of prescription medications and protects the most vulnerable. To protect our economy and our health care system, Congressman D’Esposito will oppose a government takeover of our health care system—costing trillions of dollars and controlling Americans’ personal medical decisions.


America is a nation of immigrations, but we are also a nation of laws, and Anthony D’Esposito spent his career proudly enforcing those laws. This past year, nearly 2.4 million illegal immigrants came across our border. Anthony supports securing our border, investing in Border Patrol officers who are on the frontline of the immigration crisis, ending misguided sanctuary city policies and opposing amnesty for those who broke the law and entered our country illegally. By securing our borders, we will also help stop the drug trade, gang violence and human trafficking from invading our communities. As a law enforcement officer, Anthony D’Esposito understands first-hand the impact this can have on our community and he will work each day to strengthen our border security to stem the tide of illegal immigration.


A high-quality education is the best way to guarantee our children’s success. That includes access to technology and the best teachers, challenging curriculum and, most importantly, parental involvement and local control. Bureaucrats in Washington and Albany should not be dictating to parents, teachers and elected school boards. Anthony D’Esposito has been a strong advocate for education as a Hempstead Town Councilman and he has delivered important funding for local schools. In Congress, he will continue building upon this record and giving every child the opportunity to succeed.


Prior to the COVID pandemic, our nation’s economy was full-speed ahead, but two years later we have not fully rebounded from the business closures and onerous mandates that tied the hands of our local businesses. To grow our economy and create opportunities for good paying, family-sustaining jobs in Nassau County, Congressman D’Esposito will lift regulatory barriers and lower the tax burden facing our families and small businesses. As Hempstead Town Councilman, Anthony worked hand-in-hand with our local businesses to help them grow and prosper. And, in Congress, Anthony D’Esposito will fight to lower federal taxes and protect property taxpayers by restoring the State and Local Tax (SALT) exemption.


The United States and Israel share a special bond that must always be protected. As a nation, we must stand with Israel to support its right of self-defense against ongoing threats from Hamas and Iran, as well as economic aggression through the BDS movement. In the Hempstead Town Council, Anthony D’Esposito stood with Israel and passed one of the nation’s first anti-BDS laws prohibiting town government from doing business with anyone engaged in BDS. As a member of Congress, he will work to strengthen military cooperation between the United States and Israel, including the continuation of foreign aid for security assistance and defense programs, to ensure the safety and security of both nations. He will also preserve important policies like the Taylor Force Act and the relocation of the American Embassy to Jerusalem. Congressman D’Esposito will oppose any effort to rejoin the failed Iran Nuclear deal.

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