contact Chris Pappas

congress Chris Pappas Contact information

Here you will find contact information for congress Chris Pappas, including email address, phone number, and mailing address.

Name Chris Pappas
Position congress
State New-Hampshire
Party Democratic
Office Room 319 CHOB
Phone number (202) 225-5456
email Email Form
Contact Representative Chris Pappas
Christopher Charles Pappas is an American politician and businessman who has been serving as the U.S. Representative for New Hampshire's 1st congressional district since 2019. He previously served on the New Hampshire Executive Council from 2013 to 2019, representing the 4th district.

Chris Pappas for congress

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Chris is grounded in the people and places of the Granite State. He ran for Congress to put the people of New Hampshire first and bring a deep understanding of the issues affecting our lives to Washington. He knows our economy–and our democracy–are tilted toward special interests and those at the top, and he works every day to be a steadfast champion of the people, communities, and Main Street businesses that make New Hampshire the best state to call home.

During his first term in Congress, Chris has sponsored legislation to support New Hampshire’s small businesses, improve access to affordable health care for Granite Staters, fight to get our veterans the benefits they have earned, combat the opioid epidemic, and protect our drinking water.

Chris serves on the Veterans’ Affairs Committee where he chairs the Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations, focused on holding the Department of Veterans Affairs accountable for providing the highest standard of care and services to our nation’s veterans.

Chris also serves on the Transportation and Infrastructure Committee where he is working to deliver transformational investments in New Hampshire’s roads, bridges, highways, airports, and rail systems.

Born and raised in Manchester, Chris Pappas is a small business owner and community-driven leader who has a record of addressing some of New Hampshire’s most pressing challenges. A proud product of Manchester public schools, Chris has dedicated his time in public service to putting people before politics to deliver opportunities to families in every community across our state. From creating new jobs and confronting the opioid crisis to ensuring the delivery of quality, affordable health care for every Granite Stater, Chris earned a reputation as a results-driven leader long before his election to Congress.

After graduating from Harvard College in 2002, Chris returned to New Hampshire to help run his family’s more than100 year old business, the Puritan Backroom Restaurant. Prior to serving in Congress, Chris represented District 4 on the New Hampshire Executive Council. When Chris was elected to the U.S. House in 2018, he became New Hampshire’s first openly gay member of Congress.

Before his election to Congress, Chris managed the restaurant’s day-to-day business and more than 230 employees. Ninety-nine percent of New Hampshire’s employers are small businesses, and Chris understands the unique challenges and pressures that small businesses face – especially during the current COVID-19 crisis.

In his free time, Chris tries to run a few miles every day, spend time with family, and get in a spirited game of Scrabble.


Chris is working tirelessly to deliver economic relief for New Hampshire families and is fighting to lower the cost of prescription drugs and suspend the gas tax. He has fought inflation and rising costs by delivering middle class tax cuts and increased federal heating assistance.

As international forces beyond our control continue to upend our economy, Chris is mitigating the impact of rising costs on the wallets of Granite Staters. He continues to advocate for Main Street America by standing up to big corporations who are shamelessly ripping off Americans everywhere from the gas pump to the grocery store.

Chris is fighting to lower costs for New Hampshire families by:

  • Standing up to big oil and preventing them from price gouging at a time when Americans are already feeling the pain of high gas prices

  • Fighting to lower the cost of prescription drugs by capping monthly insulin payments at $35 per month and advocating for Medicare to negotiate drug prices for all

  • Decreasing the cost of child care and early childhood education by fighting to expand access to universal preschool

  • Expanding access to federal broadband assistance programs which lowers the cost of internet access

  • Securing a child tax credit for New hampshire families, raising 8,000 New Hampshire children out of poverty and assisting 200,000 kids across the state

  • Delivering direct financial support to nearly 600,000 New Hampshire residents through the American Rescue Plan

  • Leading the fight to push back on Massachusetts unfairly taxing Granite Staters working remotely during the pandemic by introducing the Multi-State Worker Tax Fairness Act.


No political party has a monopoly on good ideas, and that’s why Chris always looks to find common ground with Democrats and Republicans. He believes the government cannot function as intended unless elected officials are willing to work with their colleagues to find compromise.

Chris is proud to have established a robust record of bipartisan cooperation since being elected to Congress in 2018. He has co-sponsored 81 bills introduced by Republicans, 57% of the bills Chris introduced himself this term were bipartisan, and 61 Republican members of Congress have signed on to Chris’s legislation.

Whether working to help veterans in New Hampshire, provide critical funding for local law enforcement, support small businesses, or address the addiction crisis, he knows that common sense, effective solutions are forged with support from both parties. During this term, Chris is leading bipartisan efforts to:

  • Enhance regulation of forever chemicals in our waterways through the Clean Water Standards for PFAS 2.0 Act of 2022.

  • Keep deadly synthetic drugs off the streets by placing fentanyl-related substances permanently on the Schedule I list through the FIGHT Fentanyl Act.

  • Provide equal rights to our nation’s veterans through the Burial Equity for Guards and Reserves Act, which allows National Guard and Reserves members to be buried in state veterans’ cemeteries alongside active duty counterparts.

  • Authorize $10 million in funding for small and mid-sized police departments to earn or renew accreditation through the EAGLE Act of 2021.

  • Support small businesses by repealing the federal excise tax on heavy trucks and trailers through the Modern, Clean, and Safe Trucks Act of 2022.


For the first time in almost fifty years, a woman’s right to choose is at risk both in New Hampshire and across the country. The shocking Supreme Court decision to overturn Roe v. Wade means that Congress has an obligation to protect women’s reproductive health, freedom, and safety.

Chris has a long history of standing up for reproductive health and as a member of the Executive Council led the successful 2013 fight to fund family planning services and cancer screenings for more than 13,000 Granite Staters.

Chris is fighting to protect reproductive health care and family planning by:

  • Passing the Women’s Health Protection Act through the House, a measure that serves as the first step towards codifying the constitutional right to abortion

  • Passing the Ensuring Women’s Right to Reproductive Freedom Act which would prevent states from criminalizing, fining, or suing women who exercise their constitutional right to travel across state lines to obtain an abortion

  • Passing the Right to Contraception Act to protect access to contraception and women’s health from activists judges and politicians who want to take it away

  • Co-sponsoring legislation to protect women’s reproductive health data and shield them from prosecution should abortion be criminalized

  • Standing up to partisan attempts to limit funding for women’s health centers through Title X rule changes which impose a domestic gag rule on providers like Planned Parenthood

  • Opposing the global gag rule which prevent women around the world from receiving counseling and access to reproductive health care

  • Supporting efforts to prevent businesses from denying employees access to contraception coverage in their health plans


Chris is fighting to lower the cost of prescription drugs and to ensure that every Granite Stater can access quality, affordable health care coverage. Chris believes the Affordable Care Act (ACA) represents a significant step forward for our country and is fighting to extend the coverage it provides to Granite States, especially those with pre-existing conditions.

Chris opposes efforts to play politics with Americans’ health care and is working to support affordable health care for all by:

  • Lowering the cost of prescription drugs by fighting to end special tax breaks for pharmaceutical companies, allow Americans to purchase low-cost prescription drugs from Canada, increase drug pricing transparency, improve access for low-income seniors, and allow Medicare to negotiate drug prices

  • Supporting increased funding for programs to protect vulnerable communities, including New Hampshire’s community health centers and health care providers on the frontlines of the addiction crisis

  • Capping the cost of insulin copays at $35 per month


As a small business owner and the Co-Chair of the bipartisan Small Business Caucus, Chris knows we need an economy grounded in our Main Street businesses, and he will continue to push for policies that lift up all Granite Staters.

Running his family’s restaurant business, Chris has seen firsthand the importance in investing in our workforce and providing good wages and benefits. He will always fight for policies that empower workers and give them the rights and respect they deserve.

New Hampshire’s economy is driven by our Main Street businesses — 99% of our businesses are small. Chris understands what it’s like to meet payroll and the importance of providing the best customer experience possible to keep folks coming back through the doors. He will continue to fight to ensure that our small businesses have what they need to succeed. Chris is working to create economy opportunity by:

  • Negotiating legislation to strengthen American manufacturing, outcompete China, and support good-paying manufacturing jobs into New Hampshire

  • Strengthening small business loan programs to help them bounce back in the wake of the pandemic

  • Supporting paid family leave because no one should be forced to make the choice between taking care of themselves or a sick loved one and losing out on wages

  • Advocating for affordable housing so that New Hampshire can retain young workers, allow individuals to live in the community where they work, and support business growth

  • Increasing the federal minimum wage to ensure all our families can make ends meet

  • Protecting the rights of workers to organize and collectively bargain with employers

  • Fighting against efforts to privatize Social Security and Medicare and working to strengthen these programs that are essential to the health and well-being of current and future retirees

  • Leading the fight to cut the federal excise tax on trucks to allow small businesses to lower costs for their consumers

  • Calling for both the Trump and Biden administrations to address workforce needs in New Hampshire by making available additional H-2B visas for employers and to make wholesale reforms of the program to better meet the needs of small businesses.

  • Opposing the wrongheaded decision by the Biden Administration to keep the border with Canada closed long past the time science and medical experts said was necessary.

  • Fighting to ensure public health efforts to combat COVID-19 were science-based and did not needly hurt New Hampshire’s small business by pushing against the Biden Administration’s unworkable and unrealistic vaccine mandates.


New Hampshire’s cities and towns are strong communities, and we must continue to confront challenges together as we work to protect the dignity and safety of every individual.

In order to keep our communities safe, Chris knows we must support community law enforcement, and his “New Hampshire Safe Communities Agenda” is a comprehensive plan to address public safety needs. Chris is a co-sponsor of the the Invest to Protect Act, bipartisan legislation that will secure funding for small police departments to improve training and standards, recruit and retain officers, acquire body camera data storage, and provide mental health resources for officers.

He is the sponsor of the Eagle Act - a federal grant program for small and mid-sized police departments to improve accreditation practices which would allow them to improve their standards, increase operational effectiveness, and strengthen accountability.

Chris is also fighting to pass the FIGHT Act to permanently schedule deadly synthetic drugs on the Schedule I list, the National ACERT Grant Program Authorization Act to provide resources for law enforcement and first responders to connect with local child specialists and professionals to intervene and mitigate the impacts of childhood trauma, and the VICTIM Act to create a grant program to provide local police departments resources to help increase clearance rates for gun-related violence.

Fire fighters put their lives on the line every day, run into harm’s way, and do all that we ask of them and more. Chris is fighting to deliver the support our firefighters and first responders need through additional funding for Assistance for Firefighters Grants and SAFER Grants. He’s a co-sponsor of the Federal Firefighters Fairness Act to provide federal workers' compensation to firefighters who contract illnesses due to their service, and the HELPER Act will create a home loan program for first responders, so firefighters who protect their community can actually afford to buy a house in that community.

Gun violence continues to be a threat to public safety across the country - the past few months alone have brought devastating blows to small cities and towns across the country. More than 100 Americans are killed with guns every day, and we have a moral responsibility to take action to end this devastating bloodshed. Chris believes we can take steps to save lives and keep our communities safe while maintaining the culture of hunting and responsible gun ownership here in New Hampshire. There is no need to choose between preserving that tradition and passing common sense gun safety measures that will allow us to live without fear of tragic gun violence, including universal background checks and re-instituting the ban on the sale of assault weapons. Public safety and protecting the lives of Americans must always be our top priority which is why Chris helped pass the Protecting Our Kids Act, the Federal Extreme Risk Protection Order Act, and the Assault Weapons Ban.


Three of Chris’s grandparents were veterans of World War II, and when they returned home after the war they knew their country had their back. Chris is fighting hard to ensure that every veteran receives that same experience, and the exceptional care and timely services from the Department of Veterans Affairs and its partners.

As Chair of the House Veterans’ Affairs Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations, Chris is working to honor our nation’s veterans by:

  • Leading a successful effort to compel VA to repay home loan fees that were improperly charged to veterans. Thanks to his leadership, almost $300 million was returned to veterans nationwide including roughly $660,000 to veterans in New Hampshire.

  • Expanding mental health resources through the VA to combat high suicide rates and mental health problems among veterans returning home

  • Leading the effort to have the Burial Equity for Guards and Reserves Act signed into law. Because of Chris’s work National Guard and Reserves members can be laid to rest alongside their active duty counterparts

  • Leading the fight in Congress to protect VA whistleblowers from retaliation and ensure that the Department is taking action when waste and wrongdoing are reported at VA facilities

  • Holding VA leadership accountable for payments owed to doctors and hospitals in New Hampshire. As a result of his efforts, millions of dollars in outstanding claims have been paid to health care providers.

  • Introducing the PFAS Registry Act to create a national database for service members and veterans who have been exposed to PFAS contamination during their time in uniform

  • Fighting to pass the PACT Act to ensure veterans exposed to toxic substances and burn pits receive the treatment and healthcare they deserve.

  • Successfully leading the effort to stop the VA from closing community health centers for veterans in Portsmouth, Somersworth, and Conway.


There is no more persistent issue in New Hampshire than the addiction crisis which continues to claim the lives of our friends, neighbors, co-workers, and loved ones. A crisis of this scale demands sustained support and a long-term strategy. As a member of the Congressional Bipartisan Heroin and Opioid Task Force, Chris is working with colleagues on both sides of the aisle to put politics aside and invest in evidence-based solutions.

Chris worked to increase federal funding for the Comprehensive Opioid Abuse Program which supports cross-sectional programs that break the cycle of addiction. Chris also introduced the National ACERT Grant Program Authorization Act which would establish a federal grant program to provide resources for first responders to connect with local child specialists and professionals to intervene and mitigate the impacts of childhood trauma. ACERT programs, like the one piloted in Manchester since 2015, help stop the cycle of addiction by linking children and families affected by the opioid epidemic to services that will help place them on a path to success.

Chris believes that access to quality, affordable health care – including mental health care services – is critical to our success in the work to address the opioid epidemic.

Chris is fighting the epidemic of addiction and substance abuse by:

  • Opposing any proposals to undermine Medicaid expansion which has been one of the most effective tools in addressing the opioid epidemic

  • Fighting to permanently classify Fentanyl analogues on Schedule 1 and provide both law enforcement and public health experts with the tools they need to combat the crisis from its source

  • Securing federal grants to train local law enforcement on best practices for handling overdoses and other addition-related crises

  • Leading an effort to protect individuals with pre-existing conditions including substance use disorder

  • Introducing the Insurance Fairness for First Responders Act, bipartisan legislation to increase protections for first responders on the front lines of our nation’s opioid epidemic

  • Supporting legislation to expand patient access to non-opioid approaches for acute pain management which would curb the rise of addiction through prescription opioids

  • Advocating for the Opioid Workforce Act, bipartisan legislation that addresses the opioid crisis by building the pipeline of medical professionals who specialize in addiction medicine, addiction psychiatry, and pain management


Chris believes we need to get big money out of politics and put the power of our democracy back in the hands of the people. Chris does not accept corporate PAC money and is a proud sponsor of H.R. 1, the For The People Act, which would limit the influence of big money in our politics, protect voting rights, and institute new ethics reforms to help end the culture of corruption that still exists in Washington.

He believes public servants should be held to the highest standards and is leading the effort to ban members of Congress from getting rich by trading individual stocks and prohibiting former members of Congress from lobbying on behalf of foreign governments. Public service should not turn into self service.

Chris is also fighting to strengthen our democracy by:

  • Ending partisan gerrymandering so politicians can’t draw districts in their favor

  • Passing the renewal of the Voting Rights Act in honor of the late-Congressman John Lewis

  • Securing our elections against foreign interference from Russia, China, and others who seek to hack us and spread disinformation


As a member of the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee, Chris understands our high-speed, 21st century economy desperately needs 21st century infrastructure. He knows that American businesses that promise on-time delivery can no longer be hamstrung by congested roads, an outmoded infrastructure, lack of passenger rail, and unreliable and unaffordable high-speed broadband. Chris fought to pass the bipartisan Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act which makes the largest investment in our nation’s infrastructure and will benefit New Hampshire by:

  • Delivering over $100 million in funding to expand broadband internet access in the Granite State

  • Securing $1.5 billion in funding to rebuild and strengthen roads, bridges, and transit in New Hampshire - the bill represents a 47% increase in funding in 2022

  • Investing in clean energy transmission upgrades and strengthening renewable energy storage capabilities


Chris is proud to be New Hampshire’s first LGBTQ+ member of Congress and will always stand up for equal rights for all Americans. Every gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender, and queer person in America should be able to dream big with the knowledge that nobody can hold them back because of who they are or whom they love.

New Hampshire has long led the way on protecting the LGBTQ+ priority and Chris is continuing that fight by:

  • Co-sponsoring the bipartisan Respect for Marriage Act to enshrine marriage equality as the law of the land

  • Co-sponsoring the Equality Act, federal legislation that prohibits discrimination against LGBTQ individuals in employment, housing, and public accommodations in every corner of the United States

  • Leading the Gay and Trans Panic Defense Prohibition Act which would curtail the availability of gay or trans panic defenses in federal court, a mechanism used to blame victimes for the violence committed against them

  • Supporting legislation to require anti-harassment policies on college campuses

  • Introducing the SERVE Act to guarantee and protect VA benefits for LGBTQ veterans discharged from the Armed Forces due to their sexual orientation or gender identity

  • Fighting against efforts to discriminate against LGBTQ individuals in health care and working to preserve and improve the Affordable Care Act


New Hampshire’s way of life and economy is rooted in our coastline, lakes, mountains, forests, and natural surroundings. We should all work to leave our planet better than we found it; that means promoting clean energy, supporting environmental protection, and confronting the threat of climate change head-on.

Chris knows climate change is an existential threat to the future of our planet and that we must take bold action to prevent its economic and environmental impacts here and around the globe. Chris is a strong supporter of developing New Hampshire’s renewable energy portfolio, including off-shore wind and solar. Chris is fighting for legislation to expand incentives and tax credits so our state can continue to take part in the clean energy revitalization that is underway.

Chris is a leader in the fight against toxic PFAS chemicals. As a member of the bipartisan PFAS Task Force, Chris is working across the aisle to protect the health of our communities and insist on tough standards. Earlier this year, Chris fought for the passage of the Clean Water Standards for PFAS Act, which included a bill he wrote to hold polluters accountable by requiring the EPA to regulate PFAS under the Clean Water Act and address harmful discharges of PFAS into our nation’s waterways.

Chris is fighting to protect our environment by:

  • Advocating for the U.S. to reach net-zero emissions by 2050 by cosponsoring the 100% Clean Economy Act

  • Passing the bipartisan infrastructure bill which allocated funds to increase community resilience in the face of the climate crisis and created green jobs

  • Leading the fight to regulate PFAS chemicals in industrial manufacturing and keep our drinking water safe

  • Introducing legislation to bolster our nation’s renewable energy storage capabilities (a critical aspect of building a more resilient grid), reducing our carbon footprint, and fully realizing our nation’s renewable energy potential

  • Standing up to fight the politicization of federal science by cosponsoring legislation to preserve scientific integrity so that science and data, not political considerations, dictate policy

  • Supporting legislation to protect our coastlines and public lands from oil and gas exploration

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