contact Mark Alford

congress Mark Alford Contact information

Here you will find contact information for congress Mark Alford, including email address, phone number, and mailing address.

Name Mark Alford
Position congress
State Missouri
Party Republican
Office Room 1516 Longworth House Office Building
Phone number (202) 225-2876
email Email Form
Contact Representative Mark Alford
Mark Alford ’s journey starts near Archie, Missouri, where hard work, faith, and conservative Missouri values weren't just taglines but guides to live by, especially in uncertain times.

Mark Alford for congress

Mark Alford is a husband, father, former small business owner and former TV news anchor, and proudly represents Missouri’s 4th District in Congress. Alford spent 25 years anchoring Kansas City’s #1 morning news show prior to his time in Congress.

His time covering Missouri’s top news stories connected him to thousands of Missourian families of all walks of life, providing insight into the issues most important to Missouri families, and the struggles most common to them. It also offered the opportunity to hone his God-given talents as a professional communicator, enhancing his voice to inform, influence, and inspire millions of people across Missouri.

Alford’s experience behind the news desk gave him a front row view to the constant attacks against our nation’s founding principles from an increasingly liberal, progressive ideology that threatens to undermine our country’s values of faith, family, hard work, and individual liberty.

Alford’s serves as a megaphone to each and every Missourian in the 4th district, magnifying their voices and their values in Washington, D.C.

Over the years, Alford’s voice helped raise millions of dollars for charities both locally and nationally, and served dozens of boards, foundations, churches, civic organizations, families, and strangers. Alford and his wife Leslie have been married 33 years and share three grown children.

After being sworn into the 118th Congress as a freshman member, Alford was selected to the House Armed Services Committee, House Agriculture committee, and House Small Business committee.

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