contact Eric S. Schmitt

senator Eric S. Schmitt Contact information

Here you will find contact information for senator Eric S. Schmitt, including email address, phone number, and mailing address.

Name Eric S. Schmitt
Position senator
State Missouri
Party Republican
Entered Office January 3, 2023
Mailing Address 260 Russell Senate Office Building Washington DC 20510
Phone number (202) 224-5721
email Email Form
contact senator Eric S. Schmitt (R-MO)
Eric Stephen Schmitt is an American lawyer and politician who has served as the 43rd attorney general of Missouri since 2019. He is the United States senator-elect from Missouri and will assume office in 2023. Schmitt served as Missouri's 46th state treasurer from 2017 to 2019.

Eric S. Schmitt for senator

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Eric Schmitt is Missouri’s 43rd Attorney General and chief legal and law enforcement official. A lifelong, sixth-generation Missourian, Eric is driven by his constitutional conservative beliefs, which he applies every day as the lawyer for all six million Missourians. Eric has proven over and over that he will boldly defend the rule of law. He has remained the leader Missourians can count on.

Eric and his wife Jaime have three children: Stephen, Sophia and Olivia. Their son, Stephen was born with a rare genetic condition causing tumors on his organs. He also has epilepsy, is on the autism spectrum, and is non-verbal. Eric’s son was his inspiration to run for office to be a voice for individuals like him and their families. One of Eric’s early legislative victories was taking on insurance companies by leading a bipartisan effort to ensure Missouri families are covered when they need it the most – including therapies for autism.

As Missouri Attorney General, Eric launched multiple major initiatives to better the lives of Missourians across the state. In his first month in office, Eric launched his Safer Streets Initiative, featuring unprecedented cooperation between the U.S Attorney’s Office and the Attorney General’s Office, taking on violent crime across the state. Recently, Eric has launched his Office’s first Cold Case Unit to deliver justice to victims who have waited far too long.

Eric has also been committed to tackling the opioid crisis and launched the Real Opioid Pain initiative to hear from Missouri citizens who have been impacted by this crisis and is battling Big Pharma in court. To address the backlog of untested sexual assault kits, Eric launched the SAFE Kit initiative to bring justice for the brave individuals who came forward to tell their stories.

During Trump’s Presidency, Eric took the lead on backing up the Administration’s policies. Eric was the first Attorney General to sue China to hold them accountable for unleashing the coronavirus on Americans. When Facebook was canceling conservatives and Google was using their platform to hurt consumers and businesses, Eric filed a lawsuit and launched a massive antitrust probe to stop Big Tech abuses. When voter integrity came into question, Eric authored and led the brief supporting the Pennsylvania Republican Party against the unconstitutional actions of the Pennsylvania courts, and he authored and led a brief in support of Texas’ lawsuit against Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin before the United States Supreme Court, where 17 other states to joined him.

Since Joe Biden has taken over the White House, Eric has been one of the leading state attorneys general to hold the Biden administration accountable, protect the Constitution and the America First Agenda. He has been on the front lines of every fight President Biden has waged against our jobs, our freedoms, and our safety. When President Biden canceled the Keystone XL Pipeline and thousands of jobs with it, Eric demanded it be reinstated and filed suit. When President Biden and John Kerry circumvented the Constitution to set a “social cost” on greenhouse gases, a move that would cost not thousands but millions of jobs, destroy the energy and agriculture industries, and lower the standard of living for working families, Eric immediately sued him. When Joe Biden halted Operation Talon endangering American lives, Eric pushed back against President Biden, urging him to reverse his order.

Eric’s love for the Constitution – the bedrock of America’s legal system – inspired him to teach a course on American Civics. Eric taught “21st Century American Civics” at his alma mater, Saint Louis University, where students had the opportunity to study the evolution of political thought, the American Enlightenment and to explore leadership qualities necessary to solve the big issues facing America today and in the future.

Previously, Missourians elected Eric as their 46th State Treasurer. Before serving as Treasurer, he was elected twice to represent the state’s 15th Senate District as a Missouri Senator where he authored two of the largest tax cuts in state history, championed the landmark legislation to end the unjust practice of taxation by citation and was a staunch defender of life and the Second Amendment.

Eric attended DeSmet Jesuit High School and went on to graduate cum laude from Truman State University. After graduation, he attended law school at Saint Louis University where he received his J.D. and served as an editor of the Law Review. He served for over 16 years in private legal practice where he received numerous awards for his commitment to justice and the rule of law.


As Attorney General, Eric Schmitt defended President Trump at every turn and fought for justice for Missourians against the radical left, Big Tech, and even the Communist Party of China.

Now with Joe Biden in the White House and a liberal takeover in the House and Senate, we need a proven Conservative to take the fight to the Senate and save our values, our culture, and our country.


After they withheld information, arrested whistleblowers, and lied about the spread of the coronavirus, subsequently unleashing the virus on Americans, Eric was the first Attorney General to file a historic lawsuit against the Chinese government and the Chinese Communist Party. He will not shy away from any battle, even if it means suing an entire nation for wrongdoing.


It’s essential that we restrict risky dual use research, including Gain of Function research, that could lead to another pandemic. This means directing an agency separate from the NIH to coordinate biorisk regulations. The funders of such research must not be the ones to police themselves.

We also must invest to prevent the next pandemic in an America First way. The government spent trillions of dollars of taxpayer money to respond to Covid, when billions of strategic investments could prevent pandemics in the first place. Such fiscal irresponsibility is reckless, and must end.


When Facebook was canceling conservatives and Google was using their platform to take advantage of consumers and businesses, Eric took legal action and launched a massive investigation to stop Big Tech abuses. Eric will never let big companies or corporate greed come before the people of Missouri.


In the 2020 election, when glaring illegal actions involving our sacred elections surfaced, Eric authored and led the brief supporting the Pennsylvania Republican Party against the unbelievable and unconstitutional actions of the Pennsylvania courts. He also authored and led a brief in support of Texas’ lawsuit against Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin before the United States Supreme Court, and he was joined by 17 other states


During President Trump’s time in office, Eric took the lead on backing up the Administration’s policies, including his historic tax cuts, efforts to reduce needless and burdensome regulations, and building the best economy this country has ever seen. Since the Biden Administration has taken over the White House, Eric has taken a blow torch to Biden’s unconstitutional and unlawful policies to protect the America First Agenda. He has been on the front lines of every fight President Biden has waged against our jobs, our freedoms, and our safety.


In President Biden’s first month in office, he canceled the Keystone XL Pipeline and thousands of jobs with it. Eric fought back with a lawsuit, demanding it be reinstated. Then, President Biden and John Kerry circumvented the constitution to set a social cost on greenhouse gases, a move that would cost not thousands but millions of jobs, destroy the energy, manufacturing, and agriculture industries, and impoverish working families. Eric immediately sued him again. Missourians’ jobs are not expendable, and Eric will fight any entity willing to sacrifice your livelihoods for a political agenda.


Eric is committed to keeping you and your family safe. In his first month as Attorney General, Eric launched the Safer Streets Initiative, an unprecedented cooperative effort between lawyers in the Attorney General’s Office and federal prosecutors to take on violent crime. To address the backlog of untested sexual assault kits, Eric launched the SAFE Kit initiative to bring justice for the brave individuals who came forward to tell their stories. He also launched the Office’s first Cold Case Unit to obtain justice for victims who have waited far too long. Recently, when Biden halted the Trump Administration’s Operation Talon, he endangered Americans by emboldening convicted sex offenders and human traffickers to cross our borders. Eric pushed back against President Biden, urging him to reverse his order in the interest of American lives.


Eric’s job as Attorney General is to safeguard and fight against efforts to restrict the constitutional rights of Missourians and protect the rule of law. Eric stridently opposed the radical left when they tried to stop the confirmations of Justices Brett Kavanaugh and Amy Coney Barrett. Eric can be trusted to vote for federal judicial nominees who understand the role of a judge is to look to the U.S. Constitution and interpret the law, not create laws or legislate from the bench.


Eric defended the religious liberties of a Missouri high school football coach when his Constitutional right was assaulted by an extreme group. The coach was accused of violating the U.S. Constitution for leading his players in prayer. Eric supported the coach’s fight against the Freedom From Religion Foundation, making clear the actions of the coach did not violate the Constitution since no player was forced to participate.


We need more fighters in Washington willing to stop the radical cancel culture agenda being advanced by the left that is destroying lives and suppressing speech. Eric is ready to take the radical left’s cancel culture movement head-on and protect our values.

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