contact Elee Williams Reeves

first Lady Elee Williams Reeves Contact information

Here you will find contact information for first Lady Elee Williams Reeves, including email address, phone number, and mailing address.

Name Elee Williams Reeves
Position first Lady
State Mississippi
Party Republican
Born unknown
Entered Office January 14, 2020 - Current
Terms1 January 14, 2020 - Current
Mailing Address P.O. Box 139 Jackson, MS 39205
Phone number 601/359-3150
fax 1 601/359-3741
email Email Form
know more About First Lady of Mississippi Elee Williams Reeves
First Lady of Mississippi, Elee Williams Reeves, grew up in Tylertown where her parents emphasized the importance of education and giving back to the community.

Elee Williams Reeves for first Lady

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know more About First Lady of Mississippi Elee Williams Reeves

First Lady of Mississippi, Elee Williams Reeves, grew up in Tylertown where her parents emphasized the importance of education and giving back to the community.

After graduating from McComb High School, she pursued her degree at Millsaps College in Jackson, graduating with honors. Elee also holds a Master’s degree in Business Administration from Millsaps College.

Beginning her career in 2001, Elee helps others reach their financial goals as an investment advisor with Coker & Palmer. She is a member of the Chartered Financial Analyst Society of Mississippi and the Chartered Financial Institute.

Committed to giving back to her community and her fellow Mississippians, Elee volunteers her time to numerous charitable and civic organizations. She has served as vice chairwoman of the Mississippi Symphony Orchestra Foundation Board, president of the Jackson Symphony League, president of Hinds County Republican Women, and president of the Official Mississippi Women’s Club. Elee currently serves on the Mississippi Museum of Art Foundation Investment Committee, the Board of Director’s for the University of Mississippi Medical Center MIND Center Board, the Center for Violence Prevention Advisory Board, and the Junior League of Jackson.

Elee also gives back as a role model to future generations, mentoring girls and collegiate women. Joining Girl Scouts of Greater Mississippi as a child where she sharpened her leadership skills, Elee has been a Girl Scout Troop Leader for 22 years and served on the Board of Directors for Girl Scouts of Mississippi. She currently serves as her youngest daughter, Maddie’s, troop leader. Elee has remained an active alumnus with Kappa Delta Sorority and has served in numerous capacities as well. She currently serves as a member of the Kappa Delta National Leadership Team, sitting on the Investment Advisory Committee, and is a past president of the Jackson Area Alumnae Association.

In her role as First Lady, Elee has enjoyed reading in schools, promoting the importance of literacy for students of all ages. After the historic flooding in our state in 2020, Elee partnered with Keep Mississippi Beautiful to highlight the need of participating in community clean-up efforts to restore Mississippi’s natural beauty. Elee looks forward to launching future projects to maintain our state’s rich history and precious landmarks, including renovations of the historic section of the Governor’s Mansion to preserve the beauty and grandeur of the 2nd oldest continuously occupied governor’s residence in the United States.

Elee and Governor Tate Reeves are the proud parents of three daughters, Tyler, Emma, and Maddie. They attend Galloway Memorial United Methodist Church. The First Family enjoys sharing their home with their King Charles Cavalier dog, Belle.

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