contact Roger F. Wicker

senator Roger F. Wicker Contact information

Here you will find contact information for senator Roger F. Wicker, including email address, phone number, and mailing address.

Name Roger F. Wicker
Position senator
State Mississippi
Party Republican
Born July 5, 1951
Entered Office December 31, 2007
Mailing Address 555 Dirksen Senate Office Building Washington DC 20510
Phone number (202) 224-6253
email Email Form
senator Roger Wicker biograph (R-MS)
Roger Frederick Wicker is an American attorney and politician who is the senior United States Senator from Mississippi, in office since 2007. A member of the Republican Party, Wicker previously served as a member of the United States House of Representatives and the Mississippi State Senate.

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who is Roger F. Wicker ?

Roger F. Wicker has represented Mississippi in the United States Senate since December 2007. During his time in the Senate, Wicker has championed pro-growth policies to create jobs, limit federal overreach, protect life, and maintain a strong national defense.

Wicker is the ranking member of the Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation for the 117th Congress. He served as chairman of the full committee during the 116th Congress after previously serving as the chairman of the Senate Commerce Subcommittee on Communications, Technology, Innovation, and the Internet.

Wicker is the second-highest ranking Republican member of the Senate Armed Services Committee. His other committee assignments include the Environment and Public Works Committee; and the Rules and Administration Committee.

Portrait Image Wicker is the co-chairman of the U.S. Helsinki Commission and Vice President of the OSCE’s Parliamentary Assembly. Wicker also serves as a member of the U.S. Merchant Marine Academy Congressional Board of Visitors.

In the 115th Congress, Wicker authored the “Securing the Homeland by Increasing our Power on the Seas (SHIPS) Act,” which made it the policy of the United States to achieve the Navy’s requirement for a 355-ship fleet. This legislation, which was designed to bolster national security and increase American shipbuilding capacity, was signed into law by President Trump as part of the National Defense Authorization Act.

Senator Wicker has been a strong advocate for economic development initiatives to help keep Mississippians competitive in a global marketplace. He has been honored by the National Association of Manufacturers (NAM) for his work on pro-growth, pro-manufacturing policies in Congress.

Senator Wicker has actively supported cancer survivorship programs and efforts to fight heart disease with the American Heart Association, diabetes, childhood obesity, and Alzheimer’s. He has been recognized as a “champion” of polio eradication for his work to wipe out polio worldwide. Senator Wicker is the co-founder of the Senate Malaria and Neglected Tropical Disease Caucus and has worked to eliminate these preventable diseases.

He has been instrumental in bringing more research funding to Mississippi universities for a wide range of health-related projects to fight disease and improve quality of life. Most notably, Wicker authored the Muscular Dystrophy Community Assistance, Research, and Education (MD CARE) Act of 2001, which created NIH centers of excellence to coordinate and enhance muscular dystrophy research. The Wicker Project at Children’s National Medical Center is a leader in muscular dystrophy research.

Prior to his service in the Senate, Wicker was elected seven times, beginning in 1994, to represent Mississippi’s First Congressional District in the House of Representatives. Before being elected to Congress, he served in the state Senate on behalf of Lee and Pontotoc counties.

Senator Wicker served on active duty in the U.S. Air Force and then joined the Air Force Reserve. He retired from the Reserve in 2004 with the rank of lieutenant colonel.

A native of Pontotoc, Mississippi, the Senator is the son of former Circuit Judge Fred Wicker and the late Mrs. Wordna Wicker. He was educated in the public schools of Pontotoc and received his B.A. and law degrees from the University of Mississippi. Wicker is a member of the First Baptist Church Tupelo, where he served as chairman of the deacons, taught Sunday School, and where he still sings in the choir.

Senator Wicker is married to the former Gayle Long of Tupelo. They have three children: Margaret and son-in-law Manning McPhillips; Caroline and son-in-law Kirk Sims; and McDaniel Wicker and his wife Kellee; and eight grandchildren: Caroline, Henry, Maury Beth, and Virginia McPhillips; Evelyn and Joseph Sims; and Philippa Wicker.

Stopping Illegal Immigration and Protecting the Border

I oppose amnesty for illegal immigrants, and I believe the first step toward solving the illegal immigration problem is securing our borders. I support President Trump’s efforts to secure our border, and I support hiring more border patrol agents and increased use of technology to help stop or catch illegal immigrants. I also support stiffening penalties on employers who knowingly employ illegals.

I strongly oppose so-called “sanctuary cities,” which seek to defy immigration law and provide harbor for illegals. During the past two Congresses, I have supported legislation to withhold federal funds from these sanctuary cities. Furthermore, I have supported legislation to detain those who engage in criminal activity while unlawfully residing in the United States.

Reducing Burdensome Taxes

Most Americans are now feeling the impact of this tax law with bigger paychecks. The new federal withholding guidelines based on the law’s lower tax rates took effect in February, and the Treasury Department has estimated 90 percent of U.S. workers will now bring home more money rather than sending it to Uncle Sam.

In fact, according to the Tax Foundation, an average family making the median income in Mississippi could keep hundreds of dollars more this year thanks to these tax reforms.

On the business side, we’ve seen more than 500 companies using the tax savings to benefit employees, with about four million Americans slated to receive bonuses. I will work with President Trump to seek even more ways to reduce America’s tax burden and put money back into the pockets of those who actually create jobs and economic growth, rather than the government.

Military Past and Present

As a former Lt. Colonel and retired Air Force Reservist, Roger has long been at the forefront of military and veterans’ issues. Roger vigorously supports the rebuilding of America’s military, and he led passage of a proposal, signed by President Trump this year, that ensures America’s Navy has no less than 355 ships. Roger is working to make sure Mississippi’s military communities and defense contractors continue playing a vital role in America’s defense. For our former service members, he is committed to making the VA more responsive and accessible giving our vets more healthcare choices that are closer to home.

Fighting Disease

Spurred by a Mississippi child’s battle with the disease, I authored the original “Muscular Dystrophy Community Assistance, Research and Education (MD-CARE) Act,” which was designed to focus more federal resources toward curing muscular dystrophy. Prior to this act, no legislation had specifically addressed Duchenne muscular dystrophy, which is the most common fatal genetic disorder diagnosed in childhood.

Since this act was signed, federal research has paved the way for groundbreaking therapies, extending lives of muscular dystrophy patients by an average of 12 years, and significantly improving their quality of life. Some of these children are now even going to college, getting married and having children of their own.

Furthermore, I believe curing Alzheimer’s disease is our charge for the 21st Century. I authored the “EUREKA Act,” which stands for “Ensuring Useful Research Expenditures is Key for Alzheimer’s.”

The legislation established prize competitions for major research breakthroughs, which demonstrate success. EUREKA runs parallel to federal research, encouraging public-private partnerships and putting together the best minds for research.

Protecting Gun Rights

During my time in Congress, I have cosponsored several bills designed to strengthen and preserve the 2nd Amendment. I support the sensible measures upholding the right of veterans to own firearms and to expand the reciprocity of concealed-carry gun laws across state lines. I oppose universal background checks, and I have voted against measures to expand background checks for firearm sales at gun shows and on the Internet. We should focus on strengthening our mental health services and the enforcement of existing laws before creating more regulatory burdens that would diminish our Constitutional rights.

Rebuilding our Military

Having served in the U.S. Air Force and being a retired Air Force Reserve Lt. Colonel, I am committed to America’s men and women in uniform, and to Mississippi’s numerous military communities and the bases and defense contractors who play such a vital role in securing America.

Preserving Social Security

Some people these days like to call Social Security an entitlement like Medicaid or other social welfare programs. Social Security is not an entitlement. Working Americans paid into the Social Security trust fund, with the expectation that they would receive their money back from that fund upon retirement.

Yet, over the years the federal government has raided the Social Security Trust Fund and used it as a piggy bank for all sorts of things unrelated to Americans’ retirement. As a result, the Social Security Program is now on a path leading to insolvency. Without action, Social Security may not be there for our children and grandchildren.

Current retirees and workers in their forties, fifties and sixties will receive 100% of promised benefits. However, reforms are needed to preserve the system for future generations.

We can do this. In 1981 President Reagan and Speaker “Tip” O’Neill came to a bipartisan solution that involved acceptable changes for younger workers that strengthened the Social Security system. A similar effort geared toward workers in their twenties and thirties must take place today, and I am committed to helping this conversation move forward.

Reforming Healthcare

Those of us who voted against Obamacare in 2010 have fought for years to find solutions that actually address the healthcare problems Americans face. That means lower costs, tax relief, more choices, competition and access to affordable care. Moving to a single-payer system, as many liberals would clearly like to see, would be a worst-case scenario, essentially a government-run healthcare system. Government administrated healthcare is NOT the solution.

I believe the solution lies in allowing states to experiment with their own plans giving each state an opportunity to enact initiatives that work best within their markets. I have voted at every opportunity to repeal Obamacare and replace it with market-driven solutions, such as the Graham-Cassidy proposal, which would have been a step in the right direction. However, clearly, the fight to fully repeal and replace Obamacare with something much better is still unfolding. As your Senator, I will remain committed to securing a healthcare solution that puts more power in the hands of patients and providers, not the government.

Fighting Terrorism

Radical Islamic terrorism continues to pose a direct threat to America and global stability. Under President Trump, our military and security forces have made great strides eliminating threats from the Islamic State. Yet, we must continue fighting and remain vigilant until these threats are defeated and eliminated.

To achieve this, America must remain committed to confronting and defeating terrorists in their backyard. We must also fight them by dismantling their financial networks and denying them safe harbor.

Supporting Economic Growth and Jobs

Throughout my public service, I have consistently voted for market-driven policies aimed at growing the economy and creating jobs, like the historic “Tax Cuts and Jobs Act” which has provided Americans with tax reform not seen since the days of President Reagan. I fully support President Trump’s efforts to eliminate burdensome regulations, cut taxes and simplify our tax laws. In addition to tax reform, the Republican-led Congress has overturned no less than 16 Obama-era regulations though the “Congressional Review Act.”

America’s economy is virtually unbeatable during times when we empower businesses and taxpayers by allowing them to keep more of their hard-earned money. After years of weak economic growth, particularly under President Obama, we’re seeing a dramatic resurgence of the American economy under President Trump.

To keep America’s economy growing, I believe we must continue seeking ways to further simplify our tax code and look for ways to get more money out of Washington and into the hands of the people and businesses who actually create jobs.

We must also expand educational offerings, primarily through workforce development programs. This will ensure our nation, and our state, maintains a workforce that is best suited for the job market’s ever-changing demands and opportunities.

Workers in Mississippi, and throughout America, have proven time and again that they are among the world’s best, more than capable of keeping America the global economic leader. As more and more companies at home and abroad look to expand, I will work to ensure our nation and our state remains a destination for new jobs and economic growth.

Putting America First

Like President Trump, I believe we can confront difficult global challenges without losing sight of our need to put America’s interests first. Whether regarding issues of potential military threats or economic ones, we must clearly define and declare America’s interests and ensure they are protected.

Opposing Abortion

As an elected official, I have a 30-year record of staunchly upholding the sanctity of life and the idea that life begins at conception. My 100% pro-life record in the Senate, U.S. House and State Legislature speaks for itself.

Protecting Faith and Religious Freedom

Since third grade, when I made my profession of faith in Jesus Christ, I have been a Christian. As a Baptist, I have remained active in various Baptist churches in the communities where I have lived throughout my life, including First Baptist Church of Tupelo, Mississippi. Here I have served as a Sunday School teacher, Chairman of Deacons and member of our church choir.

I know most Mississippians share a strong and similar commitment to their faith, family and the sanctity of life. For me, it was a great honor last year to be a recipient of the “True Blue” award from the Family Research Council for my efforts in support of pro-family and pro-life causes. I will continue practicing and promoting values that the overwhelming majority of Mississippians cherish.

Yet, in Washington faith and religious freedom are often under assault. I have worked to counter this by sponsoring legislation to preserve and promote religious expression, including a measure protecting military chaplains from being forced to perform same-sex marriages. I’ve also worked to keep so-called “atheist” ministers out of the Chaplain Corps. Most recently, I’ve led successful efforts to ensure our national motto “In God We Trust,” remains prominently displayed on our coinage.

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