contact Mike Ezell

congress Mike Ezell Contact information

Here you will find contact information for congress Mike Ezell, including email address, phone number, and mailing address.

Name Mike Ezell
Position congress
State Mississippi
Party Republican
Office Room 443 Cannon House Office Building
Phone number (202) 225-5772
email Email Form
Contact Representative Mike Ezell
Congressman Mike Ezell has more than 42 years of experience as a law enforcement officer fighting to protect the people and communities of South Mississippi.

Mike Ezell for congress

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Congressman Mike Ezell has more than 42 years of experience as a law enforcement officer fighting to protect the people and communities of South Mississippi.

Congressman Ezell is a lifelong conservative Republican who believes in individual liberty, limited government, and the free market. In Congress, he’ll put America First and stand strong to cut taxes and regulations, protect the unborn, support our military and law enforcement, secure our border, and defend the 2nd Amendment and our other Constitutional rights.

Before being elected to represent the people of South Mississippi in Washington, Congressman Ezell served as Sheriff of Jackson County for 8 years. As Sheriff, he cleaned up corruption, cut wasteful spending, and returned millions of dollars to taxpayers.

The son of a city policeman and a church secretary, Congressman Ezell’s law enforcement career included stints as Chief of Police in Ocean Springs, Chief of Detectives in Pascagoula, Chief of Campus Police for the Pascagoula School District and Campus Police Captain at Singing River Hospital.

Congressman Ezell is a lifelong resident of Jackson County and a graduate of Pascagoula High School. He attended night school at the University of Southern Mississippi to obtain a degree in Criminal Justice while serving full-time with the Pascagoula Police Department. He also graduated from the Mississippi Law Enforcement Training Academy and the FBI National Academy.

Congressman Mike Ezell and his wife, Suzette, live in Pascagoula and are active members of First Baptist Church of Pascagoula. They have one daughter, Amy Ezell Dennis (Coby) and one granddaughter, Sydney.


As a Christian father and grandfather, Mike Ezell firmly believes in the right to life of the unborn.

He’ll fight to protect those that can’t protect themselves and put a stop to taxpayer-funded abortions.

While overturning Roe v. Wade was an important win for the pro-life cause, Mike knows that the fight is not over. He’ll stand up to defend Crisis Pregnancy Centers and other pro-life organizations from the radical left so that young mothers have the support they need.

Mike is honored to be endorsed by National Right to Life, the nation’s oldest and largest pro-life organization.

Backs the Blue.

With over 40 years of experience in law enforcement, Mike Ezell knows what it takes to protect our communities.

He’ll stand up against the radical left’s pro-crime policies, which have led to spikes in violent crime across the country.

Mike will fight any and all efforts to defund the police, and he’ll make sure our men and women in law enforcement have the support they need to keep us safe.

Mike has the support of sheriffs, police chiefs, and other law enforcement officers from across Mississippi because they know he’ll stand up for what’s right.

Will Tackle the Border Crisis.

As a law enforcement officer, Mike Ezell knows that the fight against fentanyl and other drugs begins with securing our southern border.

He also understands the importance of shutting down illegal immigration so everyone who enters our country does so through the proper legal process.

He’ll work to finish Trump’s wall and end Biden’s border disaster by opposing the radical left’s catch-and-release policies.

Mike will stand up to the cartels and support our border patrol and other law enforcement officers who fight against the flow of drugs and human trafficking.

Stands for Freedom.

Mike Ezell firmly believes in our Constitution and the rights and freedoms it protects. He’ll fight to take power away from Washington and do away with big government regulations.

As a Christian, Mike understands the importance of protecting our religious freedom from government overreach. He’ll fight against any efforts to restrict our ability to worship and to raise a family with our traditional values.

As a former competition shooter, Mike knows that criminals ignore gun laws, so law-abiding citizens must have their 2nd Amendment rights protected.

Mike will work to kill any legislation aimed at taking away our right to bear arms, and he is proudly endorsed by the NRA.

Supports Those Who Serve.

Mike Ezell believes the men and women of our military deserve our highest honor and respect, both during and after their service.

He’ll fight to ensure that our servicemen and women are properly equipped and protected to defend freedom at home and abroad.

Mike will oppose the radical left’s attempts to cut our defense budget, which would leave our military under-prepared and under-equipped.

He’ll fight to make sure that our government honors the commitment we made to our nation’s veterans, and he’ll work to clean up bureaucracy and ensure our veterans are treated with respect and dignity.

Will Stand for Us.

Mike Ezell believes in our way of life. He’ll fight back against socialist ideologies and critical theory because he knows America is a nation built on strong principles of faith, freedom, and opportunity.

Mike will work to improve the lives of everyday Mississippians by fighting Biden’s inflation. He’ll fight to lower the prices of gas, groceries, and fertilizer by increasing domestic energy production and bringing critical supply chain jobs back to America from China.

He’ll work to bring more high-paying jobs to our state and to support every business that calls South Mississippi home, from the biggest shipyard to the smallest family farm.

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