contact Katherine M. Clark

congress Katherine M. Clark Contact information

Here you will find contact information for congress Katherine M. Clark, including email address, phone number, and mailing address.

Name Katherine M. Clark
Position congress
State Massachusetts
Party Democratic
Office Room 2448 RHOB
Phone number (202) 225-2836
email Email Form
Contact Representative Katherine M. Clark
Congresswoman Katherine Clark is a force for change, determined legislator, and advocate for justice.

Katherine M. Clark for congress

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Congresswoman Katherine Clark is a force for change, determined legislator, and advocate for justice. Katherine has always viewed politics as a means for positive change. She believes that our success is intertwined, and when we uplift others – especially those most often left out and left behind, all of us are stronger.

Every day, she uses her voice and position as Assistant Speaker to deliver on the issues families are talking about around their kitchen tables.


Katherine grew up having dinner every Sunday with her grandmother, a World War II factory floor worker who was a real-life Rosie the Riveter. Around that kitchen table is where she saw the power of public service and stepping up to commit to something larger than yourself.

It was that spirit that prompted Katherine to first run for School Committee in her hometown of Melrose and eventually, for Congress. She saw the issues facing women, children, and families and was determined to build a stronger and more just country where every person has a fair shot at success.

Katherine has carried that vision through every position she’s held. She is a consensus builder among her constituents and colleagues, who elected her Assistant Speaker of the House in 2020. Now, Katherine uses her position in leadership to help advocate for families nationwide – recognizing that when families are successful, America is successful.


We have a fundamental responsibility to future generations to protect our planet, invest in clean energy, and center environmental justice in all of our policies.

Katherine Clark has:

  • Led the caucus in passing the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act that will remove all of the remaining lead pipes in America and invest in public transportation and communities most impacted by climate change.


Child care plays a critical role in the success of our economy and the success of families. It’s past time that we treat it like the essential infrastructure that it is.

Katherine Clark has:

  • Co-founded and serves as co-chair of the Pre-K caucus.
  • Successfully secured $50 billion in pandemic relief funding for child care to support our kids, parents, early educators, and economy.


When you, a friend, or a loved one are sick, the last thing you want to think about is how you’re going to afford the care you need. We believe access to health care should be a right, not a privilege.

Katherine Clark is:

  • An original co-sponsor of Medicare for all; Expanded access to affordable care through the American Rescue Plan.


Our economy should work for all Americans– not just the ultra wealthy. We believe every worker should be paid a living wage, be provided essential benefits like paid family leave, and have the right to join a union.

Katherine Clark has:

  • Helped secure the passage of legislation to protect collective bargaining rights, extend paid leave to every worker, and guarantee equal work for equal pay through the U.S. House.


The founding principles of our democracy are freedom, justice, and equality for all – and those need to be the throughline in all of our policy actions.

Katherine Clark has:

  • Introduced the BE HEARD Act to expand protections for people facing workplace harassment.
  • Voted to create explicit protections for the LGBTQ+ community from discrimination and address the ongoing hate and violence targeted toward AAPIs.


Too many Americans live in fear of gun violence. Democrats have proposed common sense reforms to promote public safety and keep guns out of the hands of dangerous people. We’ll keep fighting against the gun lobby and their attempts to block these measures that a majority of Americans support.

Katherine Clark has:

  • Partnered with civil rights icon John Lewis to lead the historic sit-in on the House floor calling on the then Republic-led body to allow for a vote on commonsense gun reform.
  • Voted to close background check loopholes and to ban assault weapons.


The right to vote is the most sacred tools of our democracy. That right is under attack in the face of Republican voter suppression laws in legislatures around the country. It’s critical that we reinforce our commitment to ensuring everyone’s voice is heard at the ballot box.

Katherine Clark has:

  • Helped secure passage of the John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act and the For the People Act in the - - House, bills that would make it easier to vote and harder to buy elections.


Public education is the foundation of our democracy. Federal investments need to meet the needs of our children and families in every district around the country. We have an opportunity to make long term investments in students’ sustained success and that moment needs to be met with bold action.

Katherine Clark has:

  • Secured funding to help our schools reopen safely during the pandemic.
  • Authored legislation to provide child care on college campuses and provide financial assistance for students experiencing homelessness and foster youth.
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