contact Larry Hogan

governor Larry Hogan Contact information

Here you will find contact information for governor Larry Hogan, including email address, phone number, and mailing address.

Name Larry Hogan
Position governor
State Maryland
Party Republican
Born May 25, 1956
Entered Office January 21, 2015
Terms1 January 21, 2015 - January 15, 2019
Terms 2 January 16, 2019 - Current
Mailing Address 100 State Circle Annapolis, MD 21401
Phone number 410/974-3901
fax 1
email Email Form
know more about Governor Lawrence J. Hogan
Governor Lawrence J. Hogan, Jr. was sworn in as the 62nd governor of the State of Maryland on January 21, 2015. In 2018

Larry Hogan for governor

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About Governor Lawrence J. Hogan

Governor Lawrence J. Hogan, Jr. was sworn in as the 62nd governor of the State of Maryland on January 21, 2015. In 2018, he was overwhelmingly re-elected to a second four-year term, receiving the most votes of any Maryland gubernatorial candidate and becoming only the second Republican governor to be re-elected in the 242-year history of the state.

In his first inaugural address, Governor Hogan reminded citizens of Maryland’s history as a state of middle temperament and pledged to advance the best ideas, regardless of which side of the political aisle they come from. He is recognized nationally as a strong, independent leader who consistently delivers real results and achieves common sense, bipartisan solutions.

Economic Turnaround

Immediately upon taking office, Governor Hogan took decisive action to create a more business-friendly future for Maryland by bringing tax relief, balanced budgets, and long-term fiscal responsibility to the state. He eliminated or reformed more than 13,800 regulations, reduced or eliminated 250 fees across state government, and cut tolls at every single state facility for the first time in more than 50 years. In total, Governor Hogan has already delivered more than $2.5 billion in tax, toll, and fee relief for hardworking middle class families, retirees, and small businesses.

As a result of these efforts, Governor Hogan is effectively growing Maryland’s private sector, creating jobs, and turning the state economy around. The governor’s first year in office was the most successful in total job creation in a decade and private-sector job growth in the last 16 years, and one of the biggest economic turnarounds in America.

Top Priority: Education

Governor Hogan believes that every child in Maryland deserves access to a world-class education, regardless of what neighborhood they happen to grow up in. He has invested record funding six years in a row—a record $48 billion—in local K-12 education funding, and is committed to thinking outside the box and advocating for innovative solutions to close the performance gap and prepare children for the jobs of the future. In 2018, the governor worked with members of the legislature to enact landmark school safety measures. He is also leading the fight for more accountability in local school systems and advocating for new initiatives to provide relief from student debt, greater access to higher education, and to make college more affordable.

Environmental Stewardship

Governor Hogan has made historic progress to protect the state’s most precious natural asset: the Chesapeake Bay. He has fully funded all bay restoration efforts five years in a row, and committed a historic $7 billion toward wide-ranging bay initiatives. In addition, under the governor’s leadership, Maryland continues to be a national and international leader in combating greenhouse gas emissions and has some of the strongest air quality standards in the nation.

In 2017, Governor Hogan was elected chair of the six-state Chesapeake Executive Council and served three consecutive terms. Under his leadership, members implemented and updated the Phase 6 Watershed Model to guide jurisdictions’ restoration efforts; formally identified and began to address the threat posed by the Susquehanna River pollution entering the bay at the Conowingo Dam; and began to address long-term challenges posed by the impacts of extreme weather and climate change.

Rebuilding Infrastructure

To get Marylanders moving, Governor Hogan is rebuilding the state’s transportation infrastructure through historic investments in roads, bridges, and transit. The state is moving forward on top priority road projects in every jurisdiction, fixing every single structurally deficient bridge in Maryland, and has resurfaced more than half of the state highway system.

In 2017, Governor Hogan broke ground on the long-anticipated $5.6 billion Purple Line light rail project in Montgomery and Prince George’s Counties, which represents the largest Public-Private Partnership in America. He was the first leader in the region to propose a real solution to save the Washington, D.C. Metro system, introduced a transformative Traffic Relief Plan to widen the Capital Beltway, I-270, and the Baltimore-Washington Parkway, which represents the largest transportation Public-Private Partnership (P3) in North America, and led a yearlong national infrastructure initiative, Foundation for Success, as chairman of the National Governors Association.

Opioid Crisis

Governor Hogan has consistently displayed bold and effective leadership, and not just when it’s easy. He is shining a spotlight on the heroin and opioid crisis and using every tool at his disposal to bring a heightened level of awareness to this threat that is tearing apart families and devastating communities. One of his first actions as governor was to establish the Maryland Heroin and Opioid Emergency Task Force, and he immediately implemented nearly all of their 33 comprehensive recommendations. He was the first governor in America to declare a full-scale State of Emergency in response to the opioid crisis, and has committed more than $1.5 billion toward fighting the heroin, opioid, and substance abuse epidemic with a four-pronged approach of education, prevention, treatment, and enforcement, led by the Opioid Operational Command Center.

Baltimore Riots

In addition to tackling countless policy issues head-on, Governor Hogan also has faced a number of unexpected challenges with courage and candor. Just 90 days after his inauguration, protests in Baltimore City turned violent and the state’s largest city was in flames. Faced with the worst violence the city had seen in 47 years, the governor acted swiftly and decisively. He declared a State of Emergency, called in the National Guard, and within hours, order was restored. The Hogan administration received credit for strong leadership and a rapid and effective response, and has been asked to teach others around the country best practices for handling similar crises.


Sixty days after the riots in Baltimore, Governor Hogan was diagnosed with aggressive Stage 3 non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma. Over the next five months, he underwent 30 days of aggressive, 24-hour chemotherapy, multiple surgeries, spinal taps, scans, drug therapies, and other procedures. On November 16, 2015, he announced that he was 100% cancer free and in complete remission, and on June 18, 2020, this was confirmed after his final, five-year anniversary PET scan. Since waging his own fight, Governor Hogan has made it his mission to raise awareness for those battling cancer and support efforts to find a cure.

National Governors Association

With a proven track record of delivering real results to change Maryland for the better, Governor Hogan’s principled, bipartisan, common sense leadership extends to both the regional and national stages. In 2019, he was unanimously elected to lead America’s governors as chairman of the nonpartisan National Governors Association (NGA), which represents all 55 U.S. states, territories, and commonwealths. During his term as NGA Chair, Governor Hogan launched a yearlong national infrastructure initiative, Foundation for Success, which focused on rebuilding, repairing, and modernizing America’s infrastructure in order to grow the economy, create jobs, and meet the needs of the 21st century. The governor led stakeholder summits in Boston, Detroit, San Francisco, and Australia. He concluded his chairmanship in August 2020 by establishing an NGA staff position to continue driving his infrastructure initiative through January 2023.

Coronavirus Pandemic

In response to the unprecedented COVID-19 global pandemic and after confirming the first positive cases of the virus in Maryland in March 2020, Governor Hogan immediately declared a State of Emergency, convened a Coronavirus Response Team of doctors, scientists, and public health experts, and took some of the earliest and most aggressive actions in the nation to prioritize the health and safety of Maryland residents.

During his term as NGA chairman, the governor led more than 50 calls with the nation’s governors, the president and/or vice president, and members of the White House Coronavirus Task Force. Under Governor Hogan’s leadership, the NGA successfully pushed for Title 32 funding to support the National Guard’s COVID-19 response missions, convinced the federal administration to invoke the Defense Production Act to produce ventilators and swabs, and achieved greater flexibility in federal CARES Act funding.

In Maryland, the Hogan administration successfully expanded its hospital surge capacity in record time, exponentially increased its testing capacity, acquired millions of units of personal protective equipment (PPE), and launched a robust contact tracing operation in order to find and fight the virus. In April 2020, following a science- and data-driven approach, Governor Hogan launched the ‘Maryland Strong: Roadmap to Recovery,’ a safe, effective, and gradual plan forward for the state’s health and economic recovery.

Change Maryland

Prior to his election in 2014, Governor Hogan – who had never before held elective office – spent more than 25 years building and running small businesses in the private sector. In 2011, he founded Change Maryland, the largest nonpartisan grassroots citizen organization in state history, which is dedicated to bringing fiscal responsibility and common sense to state government.


Governor Hogan is married to Yumi Hogan, a first generation Korean-American, artist and teacher. She is the first Asian first lady in Maryland history and the first Korean-American first lady in United States history. They have three daughters: Julie, Jaymi, and Kim; four grandchildren: Daniella, Cam, Ada and Nora; and two dogs, Anna and Chessie, whom they rescued from BARCS animal shelter in Baltimore City in 2018.

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