contact Erin Houchin

congress Erin Houchin Contact information

Here you will find contact information for congress Erin Houchin, including email address, phone number, and mailing address.

Name Erin Houchin
Position congress
State Indiana
Party Republican
Office Room 1632 Longworth House Office Building
Phone number (202) 225-5315
email Email Form
Contact Representative Erin Houchin
Congresswoman Erin Houchin proudly represents the 9th Congressional District of Indiana. As a mother, community leader, and small business owner, Erin is dedicated to serving the 9th district to better the lives of all Hoosiers who call it home.

Erin Houchin for congress

Congresswoman Erin Houchin proudly represents the 9th Congressional District of Indiana. As a mother, community leader, and small business owner, Erin is dedicated to serving the 9th district to better the lives of all Hoosiers who call it home.

Erin currently serves on the House Financial Services Committee, the House Rules Committee, and the House Education and Workforce Committee. Previously, Erin represented the 47th District in the Indiana Senate for eight years and served as a member on several committees with jurisdiction over issues important to Hoosiers, including: Commerce and Technology; Elections; Family and Children Services; Utilities; Veterans Affairs and the Military; Homeland Security and Transportation; Energy, Utilities, Telecommunications; and Ranking Member of the Tax and Fiscal Policy.

Along with her service in the State Senate, Erin was a Hoosier small business owner operating a PR company focused on helping law enforcement communicate the good work they do. In addition to her private sector work, Erin held several leadership positions in her community. These positions included 9th District Chairwoman of the Indiana Republican Party, 9th District Chairman of the Indiana Federation of Republican Women, Vice Chairwoman of the Washington County Republican Party, and the Governor’s appointee to the Indiana Commission of Women. In 2011, Erin also served as Southeast Indiana Regional Director for U.S. Senator Dan Coats which covered most of Indiana’s 9th Congressional District.

Erin graduated from Indiana University with her Bachelor’s degree, and proceeded to earn her Master’s degree in Political Management from the George Washington University.

Erin was born in Southern Indiana and is a native to the 9th District. She married her husband Dustin in 2002, and they currently live in Washington County with their three children.

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