contact Adam Kinzinger

congress Adam Kinzinger Contact information

Here you will find contact information for congress Adam Kinzinger, including email address, phone number, and mailing address.

Name Adam Kinzinger
Position congress
State Illinois
Party Democratic
Office Room 2245 RHOB
Phone number (202) 225-3635
email Email Form
Contact Representative Adam Kinzinger
Adam Daniel Kinzinger is an American politician serving as the U.S. Representative for Illinois's 16th congressional district. He is a member of the Republican Party. He was first elected to Congress in 2010, winning election to represent Illinois's 11th congressional district.

Adam Kinzinger for congress

On This Page

Adam D. Kinzinger is currently serving his sixth term in the United States House of Representatives and proudly represents Illinois’ Sixteenth Congressional District, which stretches across 14 counties in Northern Illinois.

Congressman Kinzinger serves as a member of the House Committee on Energy and Commerce and the House Foreign Affairs Committee. His top priorities include strengthening U.S. energy policy and making our nation less reliant on foreign resources as well as bolstering the strength of our national security – both at home and abroad.

The Sixteenth District is home to four nuclear power plants (the most of any district in America), miles of windmills, hydropower plants, and ethanol and biodiesel plants. The nuclear energy production alone employs more than 2,500 people throughout the 16th District. Coal and natural gas are also vital to the region. With such rich energy resources, Congressman Kinzinger is focused on advancing energy production throughout the 16th District and across the United States.

Prior to being elected to Congress, Kinzinger served in the Air Force in both Operation Iraqi Freedom and Operation Enduring Freedom. He has always been a strong supporter of U.S. leadership in the Middle East, and he was among the first members of Congress to call for airstrikes against ISIS. He continues to focus on eradicating this threat with a comprehensive and detailed strategy. In 2007, he received the United States Air Force Airman’s Medal for saving the life of a young woman who was being violently attacked. He wrestled the knife away from the attacker and pinned him to the ground until the police arrived. He was also awarded the National Guard’s Valley Forge Cross for Heroism and was selected as the Southeastern Wisconsin American Red Cross Hero of the Year.

At the age of 42, Congressman Kinzinger is one of the youngest Members of Congress, yet he ranks in the top half of seniority in the full House of Representatives. He was named ‘A Republican Role Model for 2017’ by the Washington Post and is frequently applauded for his pragmatic approach to the myriad of issues facing America, and the world.

Education and Early Career

As a 20-year old sophomore at Illinois State University (ISU), Adam Kinzinger challenged a three-term incumbent for the McLean County Board. He advocated for restoring local government back into the hands of the people and won a seat on the board, becoming one of the youngest county board members in McLean County history. He served on the McLean County Board from 1998-2003, and graduated from ISU in 2000.

Military Experience

After serving on the McLean County Board, Kinzinger joined the United States Air Force. He was commissioned a 2nd Lieutenant in November 2003 and later awarded his pilot wings. He has served in the Air Force Special Operations, Air Combat Command, Air Mobility Command, and Air National Guard.

Kinzinger continues to serve his country as a pilot in the Air National Guard, with the current rank of Lieutenant Colonel, and balances this service with his duties in Congress.


Congressman Kinzinger’s roots run deep across Illinois. He was born in Kankakee, grew up in Bloomington, and now resides in Channahon. His mother Jodi is a retired elementary schoolteacher, and his father Rus is a former CEO of two faith-based organizations. His parents instilled in him and his two siblings the importance of hard work, compassion, and teamwork through their own service to their communities. Kinzinger carries these Midwestern values and his servant leadership with him to Washington, D.C. as he fights to preserve and promote the American dream for hardworking Illinoisans.

Major Accomplishments

During his time in Congress, Kinzinger has worked tirelessly for IL-16, and for the security of our nation. From getting veterans back to work, to combatting the opioid epidemic, Congressman Kinzinger continues to fight for his constituents and stand up for America. Some of the most notable efforts by Congressman Kinzinger include:

  • Public Law 113-235: The American Manufacturing Competitiveness Act, introduced by Reps. Kinzinger and Daniel Lipinski (D-IL), requires the President to create a national manufacturing strategy that will provide long-term guidance and certainty for United States manufactures and improve their coordination with the government. This bill was signed into law in December 2014 (as part of the 2015 spending package).

  • Public Law 114-198: The Comprehensive Addiction and Recovery Act, signed into law in July 2016, was a landmark piece of legislation because it was the most comprehensive and first major federal addiction legislation in 40 years. Congressman Kinzinger served as a conferee on the final language, which established a coordinated and balanced strategy though grants that would expand prevention and education efforts about addiction, while also promoting more innovative research, treatment, and recovery methods.

  • The Veteran EMT Act, introduced by Congressman Kinzinger, was included in the final CARA legislation (Section 105). The measure provides grants to states so they can review their EMT certification process to consider the experience of veterans to issue certifications in a timelier fashion.

  • Public Law 115-141: The Improving Broadband Access for Veterans Act, introduced by Reps. Kinzinger and Jerry McNerney (D-CA), was signed into law in March 2018 as part of the Ray Baum’s Act (included in the 2018 Omnibus). This measure requires the Federal Communication Commission (FCC) to submit a report to Congress that will promote broadband access for veterans, especially low-income veterans and those residing in rural areas.

  • Public Law 115-254: The SEAT Act, introduced by Reps. Kinzinger and Steve Cohen (D-TN), was signed into law on October 5, 2018 as part of the FAA Reauthorization Act of 2018. This legislation directs the Federal Aviation Administration to establish minimum standards for the size of seats on airplanes to ensure the health and safety of passengers.

  • Public Law 115-271: The SUPPORT for Patients and Communities Act, signed into law in October 2018, received strong bipartisan support in Congress because it included several provisions to combat the opioid epidemic, advance treatment and recovery initiatives, prevent addiction, and help protect communities affected by this drug crisis.

  • Included in this package was Congressman Kinzinger’s bill, H.R. 5590, the Opioid Addiction Action Plan, which requires the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid (CMS) to present to Congress a proposal to better address the opioid crisis by being more adaptable to innovative treatments, and steer us away from the typical one-size-fits-all methods for treating pain and substance abuse disorder.

  • Public Law 115-398: The SOAR to Health and Wellness Act, introduced by Reps. Kinzinger and Steve Cohen (D-TN), was signed into law on December 31, 2018. The bill requires the implementation of standard procedures and programs to educate and train health care professionals to better identify and properly treat victims of human trafficking.

  • Public Law 115:439: The NUKE Act, introduced by Reps. Kinzinger and Mike Doyle (D-PA), will modify the licensing process for nuclear plants by creating a framework for the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) fees, increasing transparency and providing long-term certainty for these plants.

  • The bill signed into law, S.512, is a companion bill to the NUKE Act, titled the Nuclear Energy Innovation and Modernization Act.

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