contact Delia C. Ramirez

congress Delia C. Ramirez Contact information

Here you will find contact information for congress Delia C. Ramirez, including email address, phone number, and mailing address.

Name Delia C. Ramirez
Position congress
State Illinois
Party Democratic
Office Room 1523 Longworth House Office Building
Phone number (202) 225-5701
email Email Form
Contact Representative Delia C. Ramirez
Delia C. Ramirez is an American politician, entrepreneur, marketing consultant, and nonprofit executive. She is currently the U.S. representative from Illinois's 3rd congressional district.

Delia C. Ramirez for congress

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The daughter of working-class Guatemalan immigrants, Congresswoman Delia Ramirez is an accomplished legislator, social service director, community leader, and coalition builder who has dedicated her life and career advocating for working families. Delia Ramirez was born in the Belmont Cragin community in Chicago. Her family moved to Humboldt Park at the age of one, when her parents found a subsidized apartment above a church that they could finally afford.

Delia’s commitment to community and working families is shaped by her lived experience. Her mother crossed the border while pregnant with Delia and worked multiple low-wage jobs to give her children a fighting chance to escape poverty. Delia’s father worked two jobs and alternated switched shifts with her Mom so that they could care for their children. Delia witnessed firsthand how important social services were, as she watched neighbors come to her church for housing assistance, food and services for the undocumented. She saw the heartbreaking financial crises that her parents and many others in her community shouldered, hoping to provide a better life for their children.

These experiences ignited a fire that propelled her to fight for the rights of all working families struggling to survive, whether it be housing justice, fully funding public schools, women’s reproductive rights, or Medicare for all. She spent the next 18 years as a non-profit leader at the Center for Changing Lives, Common Cause and Community Renewal Society, and board chair for both the Latin United Community Housing Association (LUCHA) and Logan Square Neighborhood Association (LSNA), fighting for affordable housing, quality education and campaign finance reform.

In 2018, her community drafted Delia to run for State Representative of the 4th House District of Illinois. In the Illinois General Assembly, she successfully passed legislation expanding Medicaid coverage to IL senior citizens regardless of immigration status, securing over 450 million to build affordable housing, protecting abortion rights, and creating an elected school board in the City of Chicago. She co-founded the Illinois House Progressive Caucus and served as Assistant Majority Leader.

Delia is a graduate of Northeastern Illinois University and lives in Chicago with her husband Boris and their golden retrievers Lola and Milo.



Delia’s values are deeply rooted in inclusiveness, equity, and justice and that is why she is a firm proponent of LGBTQ+ rights and protections. To fully live into being the “land of the free” all people must be able to live free from discrimination and harassment because of their sexual orientation or gender identity. We must enact policies that create protections so that all LGBTQ+ people can fully participate in all aspects of society free from discrimination.


As Congresswoman Delia will be an ally and champion for the LGBTQ+ community. She will support and fight for the Equality Act to fully guarantee nondiscrimination protections for the LGBTQ+ community throughout the United States including in housing, employment, education, and federally funded programs. She will support the Every Child Deserves a Family Act to end discrimination against LGBTQ+ families in the child welfare system. As a lifelong housing advocate, she will champion the Fair and Equal Housing Act to add “gender identity” and “sexual orientation” as protected classes under the federal Fair Housing Act.



Good government and ethics have been central to Delia’s work as a public servant. During her time as Campaign Manager at Common Cause IL, she worked on getting big money out of politics because she understands the outsized influence that special interests and corporations have on government. Our democracy is under attack not just by the violent insurrectionists but also by corporate interests that co-op our legislative processes and prevent real change from happening in Washington.

Delia has been an advocate for stronger ethics laws including banning legislators from becoming lobbyists. She understands that when elected officials betray the public trust and abuse their office for personal gain, it is our communities that suffer through a lack of resources and investments. When the ComEd scandal hit Springfield, Delia organized the Latino caucus to help elect new leadership and elect Illinois’ first Black Speaker of the House. Unlike her opponent, Delia has been committed to being a full-time legislator whose only job is to represent the interests of the community.


Delia is ready to be a champion for good government and ethics as our Congresswoman. She does not take money from corporate PACs, the fossil fuel industry, pharmaceutical companies, the NRA, and other bad actors because she believes in being accountable to the people she represents and not special interests. She will fight for stronger ethics reforms in Washington as she has in Springfield including supporting legislation that ends the revolving door of government officials becoming lobbyists. She will work for comprehensive campaign finance reforms including banning dark money and overturning Citizens United to get rid of big money in politics.



Delia understands that we have a moral obligation to support and care for those who have served our country through military service. When we ask people to make the ultimate sacrifice, we must be willing to honor that sacrifice by supporting them when they come back home. This must include robust support for the spouses and children of military members, comprehensive health coverage, and services that ensure successful reintegration back into civilian life.


As Congresswoman, Delia will be a champion for veterans and their families making sure that they receive the care and benefits they deserve. Delia will prioritize fully funding the Department of Veterans Affairs and eliminating the backlog in processing VA benefits so that it is easier for Veterans to access the healthcare and mental health services they need. She will support legislation to expand dental coverage and mental health services. She will fight for investments in VA infrastructure to ensure vets can access services at clinics and health centers close to their communities. Delia will also advocate for the thousands of veterans who have been unjustly deported and will fight to bring them home.



Delia believes that our foreign policy goals should always be guided by a deep respect for the human rights of all peoples, center diplomatic solutions to conflict, and make every effort to avoid costly wars and the unnecessary loss of lives. The United States must be a world leader not in supplying weapons but in providing humanitarian assistance that supports and stabilizes democratic governance across the world. As a member of the United Methodist Church, Delia upholds the calling to “prioritize collaboration among nations, work to reduce the use and need for weapons, and foster just, equitable and durable solutions to the root causes of conflict.”


Delia is ready to be a Congresswoman who advocates for a responsible, tempered, and informed approach to foreign policy. She believes war should only ever be undertaken when all diplomatic options have failed and the cost of not acting would produce great harm to human lives and human rights. She will advocate for Congress to reassert its Constitutional right to declare war because the American people deserve to have their elected members of Congress debate the merits of military intervention. She will be an advocate for refugees and migrants who have been displaced because of foreign conflicts and will be a champion for policies that address the root causes of migration. She will advocate for trade deals that center equity for both American workers and the global poor, stand against xenophobia in all foreign relations, foster collaboration with foreign nations towards our shared goals (like developing a global plan on climate change), and make humanitarian investments to help stabilize democratic governance across the world.



Delia has been an advocate for housing justice her entire life. Her family experienced housing instability when she was a child. She grew up volunteering at her church’s homeless shelter and became the Executive Director of a homeless services agency at 21 years old. These experiences imprinted on her the importance of housing as a human right. Delia believes that everyone deserves a safe, accessible, and affordable place to call home. She understands that housing and housing stability are deeply tied to community economic development, safety,and public health. This is why she has been a steadfast supporter of developing affordable housing and community-centered development that allows residents to afford to stay in their homes. Delia has worked extensively to extend protections to those at risk of losing their homes, especially during the Covid-19 pandemic.


Delia has been one of the leading champions of housing justice in the State of Illinois and she is ready to be such a voice in Congress. She will be a champion for building more housing - especially affordable housing and housing for families- and developing the social safety net needed to end displacement and homelessness. She will fight to protect renters and homeowners from big banks and corporate landlords. She will advocate for strong consumer protections and anti-discrimination laws in housing. She will be a champion for community benefits agreements so that development projects focus on addressing community needs and don’t lead to destabilization and displacement.



Growing up in a working family where affordable healthcare was not always available, Delia knows personally the difficult healthcare choices families make every day. She believes that no one should have to choose between a life-saving medicine or keeping a roof over their heads. Our healthcare system should exist to save lives and address people’s needs, and not to deliver massive profits to investors and pharmaceutical companies. As a State Representative, Delia has been a leader in the fight to make sure every Illinoian has access to healthcare including championing historic expansions of Medicaid and co-sponsoring laws to reduce racial disparities in our healthcare system.


As Congresswoman, Delia will be a champion for getting health care costs down, including passing Medicare for All. She will take on the pharmaceutical and for-profit medical industries and champion legislation to lower the cost of healthcare and prescription drugs. She will increase healthcare access until we ultimately get Medicare for everyone, so no one is denied the care they need.



Delia is the daughter of Guatemalan immigrants who worked tirelessly to secure a brighter future for her and her siblings. She believes we must stop tearing families apart through deportation. Families belong together and our immigration laws must be transformed to welcome people trying to make a better life for themselves and their families rather than deporting them.


Delia is ready to continue being a champion for immigrant families in Congress. She will be an unwavering champion for a pathway to citizenship for the more than 10 million undocumented people in the U.S. She will fight to make sure DACA recipients can permanently adjust their legal status, eliminate the case backlog in immigration court, push to reduce fees so that more people can file for citizenship, and will fight deportations to keep families together.



In a time when Roe vs. Wade is on the cusp of being overturned, Delia understands more than anyone the need to protect bodily autonomy. Reproductive rights and abortion access are critical to Delia, and she believes people everywhere must have autonomy over their own bodies and pathways to economic security without fear of discrimination or violence. Delia acknowledges that reproductive rights are largely a women’s issue and the attack on abortion access is an effort to control women’s bodies. She also understands that nonbinary, transgender, and gender nonconforming people also access abortions and should be included in reproductive health conversations. Delia is an uncompromising supporter of reproductive rights and has consistently fought to protect the right to choose.


Delia is ready to fight for reproductive justice in Congress as the first Latina congresswoman in the Midwest. She will fight to protect abortion access and co-sponsor legislation to repeal the Hyde Amendment. Delia will oppose all efforts to overturn Roe v. Wade and, if necessary because of a Supreme Court ruling, she will support federal legislation to codify the right to choose into law.



Delia is the product of public schools and graduated from Northeastern Illinois University, a public university. She is a strong advocate for public education for all Illinoisans. Delia has worked with educators, community stakeholders, and parents to fight for well-resourced and high-quality neighborhood schools.


In Congress, Delia will continue to fight for the education system we deserve. She will advocate for additional federal resources so that communities can stop relying on property taxes and every neighborhood has strong schools. She understands that higher education must be accessible and affordable, and that is why she supports free, publicly-funded community colleges and public universities. She will be a champion for canceling student loan debt which has unfairly burdened working and middle-class families and young adults.



As a former social services administrator, Delia knows firsthand that many families across our community are struggling with food insecurity, housing instability, and lack of healthcare access. She knows that a strong social safety net is critical to ensure that the most vulnerable members of our society are protected. Programs that are critical for low-income and working families like social security, Medicaid and Medicare, unemployment insurance, Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF), the Child Tax Credit and Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) must be protected and expanded.


Delia believes that in order for us to truly Build Back Better, we need to center women in the path to economic recovery for all. We know that millions of women have left the workforce as a result of the pandemic and we must invest in the supports that allow women to return to the workforce, including increasing wages for homecare and childcare workers and making these services available for all who need them. Delia will be a champion of new and necessary investments into our care economy including universal childcare and pre-K, paid sick leave, long-term care, expanding public housing so that no one experiences housing insecurity, and exploring universal basic income as a pathway to finally eliminating poverty and homelessness.



Delia spent nearly two decades working in and with community organizations, so she knows that economic development efforts should lead to thriving neighborhoods with robust local economies anchored by small businesses. She has been a strong proponent of community benefits agreements to ensure strong wages, equitable access, and community investment without displacement when large corporate developers attempt to profit off our communities. She has been a champion for local economies by sponsoring legislation to designate cultural districts where historic communities and their small businesses are promoted, invested in, and preserved. Delia also has seen how properly-regulated emerging technologies, including decentralized finance and blockchain technologies have the potential for improving the lives of many while also enabling social and economic growth.


Delia is ready to be a champion in Congress for the small and developing businesses and local economies of the 3rd congressional district. She will fight for relief for the small businesses that have been most impacted by the Covid pandemic. Delia will also work to ensure that the US is a global leader in new and emerging technology fields to ensure that we remain competitive in the 21st Century economy. She will advocate for increased investments by the Department of Commerce for community-based economic development that promotes and preserves thriving local economies. She will fight for transportation investments that enable residents to access good-paying jobs throughout the region and enable people in the District and beyond to patronize local businesses. You can count on Delia to prioritize the needs of small businesses and local economies over the interests of large corporations because she does not take corporate money and is not beholden to their interests.



Delia grew up in a working-class family where her parents often worked long hours at minimum wage jobs just to make ends meet. She understands that workers are the backbone of a strong economy and that protecting worker rights is critical to ensuring a thriving middle class. As corporations report record profits in the wake of the pandemic, prosperity and recovery must be shared with the frontline and low-income workers that make it possible. It is not enough to “create more jobs”–those jobs must pay a living wage, provide strong benefits, and protect a worker’s right to organize for fair pay and good working conditions. This is why Delia fought for and helped pass a $15 minimum wage in IL. Her record on worker rights is clear and that is why according to the IL AFL-CIO, Delia is one of only 17 state legislators with a 100% pro-labor voting record.


Delia is the kind of working-class leader we need fighting for working families and the middle class in Congress. She fought for and helped pass a living wage for working families in Illinois and she will do the same in Congress by co-sponsoring the Raise the Wage Act to raise the federal minimum wage to $15 an hour. She will be an unapologetic champion of workers’ rights and co-sponsor the Protecting the Right to Organize Act (PRO Act) enshrining workers' rights to collectively bargain. Delia supports a Federal Jobs Guarantee focused on clean energy while investing in healthcare and infrastructure so that everyone who needs a job is guaranteed work that pays them a living wage.



Delia has a strong record of being on the front lines of pro-democracy reforms and advancing voting rights. She understands that a strong democracy requires an engaged and informed electorate and policies that protect and expand voting rights rather than restrict them. As a community leader, she supported efforts to expand automatic voter registration in Illinois. As a former staff person at the reform advocacy group Common Cause IL, she advocated for campaign finance reform to get big money out of politics. As a state legislator, she was the Chief Sponsor of legislation that secured a democratically elected school board for Chicago Public Schools.


At a time when our voting rights are under attack, Delia is the proven fighter we need to protect and expand voting rights in Congress. She supports the Freedom to Vote Act to end partisan gerrymandering, expand voting rights through automatic voter registration and voting by mail, and create a public donor matching fund to help curb the influence of big money on politics. She will champion the John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act to ensure that we have strong federal protections against Republican efforts to pass restrictive voting laws at the state level.



The Covid-19 pandemic has had a devastating impact on everything from education to healthcare, from the economy to the social safety net, and it is not over. When the Covid-19 pandemic first reached our communities, Delia got to work hosting testing events, and vaccination events. Delia helped focus resources to address the public health inequities that we all saw with the pandemic in our communities. She helped ensure that important health safety communications and pandemic relief programs were accessible to everyone. She also got to work on legislative solutions, helping small businesses survive the pandemic and people stay in their homes.


In Congress, Delia will continue to advocate for legislative and budgetary priorities that ensure there is a significant investment made in our communities so they can recover and thrive post-pandemic, and better prepare our nation to prevent and confront future biosecurity threats. She will be a champion for President Biden’s “Build Back Better” agenda, which makes once-in-a-lifetime investments in working and middle-class families to ensure a strong economic recovery. With her on-the-ground experience in our communities, Delia is eager to support public investment to prevent the next pandemic, including efforts to develop comprehensive test/trace/isolate programs, improve our health data infrastructure, and accelerate future vaccine development.



Delia grew up in the Humboldt Park community, where gun violence is all too common. She believes we need to get guns off our streets and solve the root causes of crime and violence. She knows that building safe communities requires a comprehensive plan that includes community-based youth programs and mental health services, investment in domestic violence prevention, stricter gun laws, and reinvesting in communities that have been underresourced.


Delia is ready to take on gun violence in Congress. She will be a champion for stronger gun laws to get illegal guns off our streets including universal background checks, banning assault-style weapons, and reducing the flow of illegal guns across state lines. She will push for expanding mental health services, street outreach, and intervention, and expanding restorative justice programs in our schools and community centers.

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