contact David Ige

governor David Ige Contact information

Here you will find contact information for governor David Ige, including email address, phone number, and mailing address.

Name David Ige
Position governor
State Hawaii
Party Democratic
Born January 15, 1957
Entered Office April 19, 2017
Terms1 April 19, 2017 - January 13, 2019
Terms 2 January 14, 2019 - Current
Mailing Address State Capitol, Honolulu, HI 96813
Phone number 808/586-0034
fax 1 808/586-0006
email Email Form
Governor David Y. Ige was sworn in as the eighth governor of the State of Hawai‘i on December 1, 2014. Governor Ige was born and raised in Pearl City and is the fifth of six sons of Tokio and Tsurue Ige. He is the first governor in the United States of America of Okinawan descent. He attended public schools in Pearl City and earned a Bachelor of Science degree in Electrical Engineering at the University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa, where he met his wife, Dawn Amano-Ige. After college, while working for GTE Hawaiian Tel, a career that spanned 18 years, Governor Ige earned a master’s of Business Administration degree in Decisions Sciences at UH Mānoa. Governor Ige began his political career in 1985 after being appointed by then Governor George Ariyoshi to fill a vacant seat in the Hawai‘i House of Representatives. In 1994, then Representative Ige was elected to the Hawai‘i Senate where he represented his home district of ‘Aiea / Pearl City until 2014.

David Ige for governor

David Ige began his term as the eighth governor of the State of Hawai‘i on December 1, 2014. His accomplishments include Early College, a program enabling high schoolers the ability to earn college credits for free; funding Hawai‘i’s Promise to make college more affordable; and cooling over 1,300 classrooms statewide — all demonstrating his commitment to public education.

Under Governor Ige’s leadership, the state experienced record visitor numbers, which contributed to a robust economy and affirmed Hawai‘i’s global position as a leader in tourism. His efforts resulted in the state achieving a AA+ bond rating, a booming construction industry and the highest employment rate in the nation. Worked to protect over 40,000 acres of watershed forests, delivered thousands of affordable homes and rentals, and advanced a state policy to ensure that 100% of the electricity generated in Hawaii will come from renewable energy resources by the year 2045,.

The Governor was the fifth in a family of six boys, raised in Pearl City when it was mostly populated by cane fields. He was in the first graduating class of Pearl City High School and attended the University of Hawaii at Manoa, where he earned a Bachelor of Science degree in Electrical Engineering and a Masters degree in Business Administration / Decisions Sciences. He led a 34-year career in information technology, telecommunications, networks and corporate public policy.

In 1985 he was appointed to a seat in the House of Representatives where he served until he was elected to the State Senate in 1995. During his time in the Legislature, he chaired nine different committees including Education, Health, and the powerful Ways and Means Committee.

Governor Ige is married to Dawn Amano-Ige. They have three children, Lauren, Amy and Matthew, who are currently pursuing their careers on the mainland.

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