contact Richard McCormick

congress Richard McCormick Contact information

Here you will find contact information for congress Richard McCormick, including email address, phone number, and mailing address.

Name Richard McCormick
Position congress
State Georgia
Party Democratic
Office Room 1213 Longworth House Office Building
Phone number (202) 225-4501
email Email Form
Contact Representative Richard McCormick
Dr. Rich McCormick is a decorated veteran and Emergency Room physician who proudly serves Georgia’s 6th Congressional District in the United States House of Representatives.

Richard McCormick for congress

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Dr. Rich McCormick is a decorated veteran and Emergency Room physician who proudly serves Georgia’s 6th Congressional District in the United States House of Representatives.

Raised by a single mother, McCormick was a paperboy in middle school and eventually worked his way through college, earning a degree from Oregon State University. A firm believer in service before self, McCormick joined the Marine Corps and became a helicopter pilot.

During his two decades of service, McCormick deployed to combat zones in Africa, the Persian Gulf, and Afghanistan. As a Marine, he flew helicopters, was Airborne and attached to Army and foreign forces, and taught at Georgia Tech and Morehouse College as the Marine Officer Instructor. In the Navy, Rich earned the rank of Commander and served as Department Head for the Emergency Medicine Department in Kandahar, Afghanistan.

Between deployments, McCormick earned his Master of Business Administration from National University and medical degree from Morehouse School of Medicine in Atlanta, where he was honored to serve as Study Body President. He completed residency in Emergency Medicine through Emory while training at Grady Hospital in Atlanta. Most recently, Dr. McCormick served as an Emergency Room Doctor at Northside Hospital.

Rich lives in Suwanee, Georgia with his wife Debra, an oncologist. The McCormicks are members of Gwinnett Church, where Rich is a small group leader for high school students.


Raised by a single mother, Dr. Rich McCormick got his first job in middle school as a paperboy and by the age of 15 became a bus boy and cook. Rich worked his way through college and was commissioned an officer in the Marine Corps. He then obtained an MBA while attending night school and through hard work, was able to continue his pursuit of the American Dream. Eventually he went to medical school and is now an Emergency Medicine Physician.

Rich recognizes the opportunities that allowed us to prosper are under attack by the Biden Administration. Inflation is soaring beyond wage increases. Biden proposed the largest tax increase in history and imposed draconian regulations on local businesses.


Dr. Rich McCormick believes two things can and must be true: law and order is and must be the bedrock of our Republic; all men are created equally and should be treated as such under the law.

Safety for our businesses and homes is a top priority for Rich McCormick. He vigorously opposes defunding the police as it would lead to a dramatic increase in violent crime.

Dr. McCormick will also work to make certain that federal, state, and local law enforcement have the resources and training required to combat the flow of illegal drugs, stop criminal gangs, and end human trafficking.

He will fight to end Biden’s open-door policies to illegal immigrants and deport those who have been shipped to our communities.


Joe Biden and his cronies in Congress are seeking to rig our elections for generations. They want to strip away local control of elections and put Washington bureaucrats in control. They even wan force you to pay for congressional campaigns! Even worse, they want to stop widely supported voter ID laws that ensure only legal votes count.

That is not the America Rich McCormick fought for as a Marine and Naval Commander. Rich believes in election integrity and making certain that every American can vote and it is impossible to cheat.

In Congress, Rich will fight against ALL attempts to federalize our elections, force taxpayers to pay for the elections of the entitled elitist class and improve election integrity.


As a decorated Marine and Naval Commander, Rich swore an oath to defend our constitution. He knows that the right of a legal citizen owning a firearm is one of the rights under greatest assault by the radical left. Rich will never waver in his defense of the 2nd Amendment and will oppose any and all attempts to infringe upon them. Rich will also seek to expand the rights of law-abiding citizens by expanding concealed carry reciprocity nationwide.


The radical left has gone too far when it comes to our children. They crippled kids’ social development with mask mandates and brainwashed them with radical ideologies. We need to get back to teaching kids, not punishing them.

And Rich is crystal clear on his own children: he is not interested in co-parenting with the government.

In Congress, Rich will never bend the knee to the Democrats and the radical teachers’ unions that control them. He will defend parental rights and always put the best interests of students first. And for Rich, that means teaching reading, writing, and arithmetic, not radical race theories.


Dr. Rich McCormick is in his third year of serving on the frontlines in the emergency room to combat COVID. Through it all, he has followed the ACTUAL science, not the pandemic fears, and called out ridiculous mask and vaccine mandates – making him the enemy of the left.

And as a practicing physician, Rich knows that our healthcare system is the best in the world and that the last thing we can afford is the Joe Biden-Bernie Sanders single-payer healthcare scheme. Not only will it ADD $32 trillion to our tax burden over the next ten years, but it will also destroy 160 million private health insurance plans and reduce access to quality healthcare.

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