contact Greene Marjorie Taylor Greene

congress Greene Marjorie Taylor Greene Contact information

Here you will find contact information for congress Greene Marjorie Taylor Greene, including email address, phone number, and mailing address.

Name Greene Marjorie Taylor Greene
Position congress
State Georgia
Party Republican
Office Room 1023 LHOB
Phone number (202) 225-5211
email Email Form
Contact Representative Greene Marjorie Taylor Greene
Marjorie Taylor Greene Greene is an American far-right politician, conspiracy theorist, businesswoman, and U.S. Representative for Georgia's 14th congressional district. She has expressed support for the far-right QAnon conspiracy theory in Facebook videos. Greene later attempted to distance herself from conspiracy theories.

Greene Marjorie Taylor Greene for congress

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Marjorie Greene has a lifetime of business experience, having grown up working in her family’s company. In 2002 Marjorie and her husband Perry purchased Taylor Commercial, a commercial construction and renovation company. The company has since managed a quarter of a billion dollars of construction projects.

Marjorie successfully started, grew, and sold a thriving CrossFit gym here in Georgia which has become one of the top CrossFit gyms in the country. Marjorie has a unique perspective on how to succeed from the ground up, through true hard work and financial responsibility.

Marjorie graduated from the University of Georgia and received her Bachelor’s degree in Business Administration. Marjorie has been actively involved in her community, in her children’s schools, and been active on a national level as National Director of Family America Project.

Marjorie has a strong Christian faith and believes we must continue to protect our great freedoms and work to keep America a great country for our generations to come.

Marjorie and her husband, Perry, have been married 23 years. They have three children, Lauren, Taylor and Derek. Marjorie believes the best part of her life is being a mother and spending time with her family.

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