contact Kat Cammack

congress Kat Cammack Contact information

Here you will find contact information for congress Kat Cammack, including email address, phone number, and mailing address.

Name Kat Cammack
Position congress
State Florida
Party Republican
Office Room 1626 LHOB
Phone number (202) 225-5744
email Email Form
Contact Representative Kat Cammack
Kathryn "Kat" Cammack is an American politician and political advisor serving as the U.S. Representative for Florida's 3rd congressional district. Cammack previously served as deputy chief of staff to incumbent Congressman Ted Yoho, who announced that he would retire in 2020.

Kat Cammack for congress

Congresswoman Kat Cammack proudly serves Florida’s 3rd Congressional District as the youngest Republican woman in the 117th Congress.

Kat is a third-generation sandblaster who grew up on a cattle ranch and she understands the hard work and determination it takes to run a small business, navigating labor challenges, interpreting regulation, and more. A proud alumna of the Naval War College, Kat knows the issues and constituents of Florida’s 3rd intimately, having served as the longtime former deputy chief of staff for the district prior to her election in 2020.

An Obama-era program forced Kat’s family to lose their cattle ranch in 2011, evicting them from their home and livelihood. After months of homelessness, Kat was motivated to fight back against the failures of big government and dedicated her life’s work to becoming part of the solution in Washington. Representative Cammack fights for Florida’s 3rd District to ensure no other family has to endure what hers experienced.

Kat is a proud wife to her husband Matt, a Gainesville native, who serves with the Gainesville Fire Department as a firefighter/paramedic and SWAT medic.

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