contact Jimmy Panetta

congress Jimmy Panetta Contact information

Here you will find contact information for congress Jimmy Panetta, including email address, phone number, and mailing address.

Name Jimmy Panetta
Position congress
State California
Party Democratic
Office Room 212 CHOB
Phone number (202) 225-2861
email Email Form
Contact Representative Jimmy Panetta
James Varni Panetta is an American politician from the state of California. A member of the Democratic Party, he is a member of the United States House of Representatives for California's 20th congressional district.

Jimmy Panetta for congress

Congressman Jimmy Panetta proudly serves California’s 20th Congressional District in the U.S. House of Representatives. His district includes Monterey and San Benito Counties, and parts of Santa Cruz and Santa Clara Counties. First elected 2016, he is serving in his third term in Congress. He currently serves on the House Committee on Ways and Means, the House Committee on Agriculture, and the House Committee on Armed Services. He also serves as a Chief Deputy Whip in the 117th Congress.

Having grown up on the central coast of California, Congressman Panetta understands the importance of giving back to the community and country that gave him and his family so much. He was instilled with a sense of public service and its importance to our democracy, and his work is reflective of the values of the people who entrusted him to be their voice in our nation’s capital.

During his time in Congress, he has fought for immigration reform, the continued protection of our pristine coastline and environment, affordable housing, accessible health care, our agriculture industry and its farmers and farmworkers, the reduction of gun violence, our military installations that are an integral part in our community and our country’s security, and the deserved and promised benefits to our veterans. Through policy implementation in Congress and service to constituents, he remains committed to being that bridge for the people of the Central Coast to the federal government and its resources.

Prior to Congress, Jimmy Panetta served his community as a deputy district attorney in Monterey County. He prosecuted violent gang members to pursue justice for victims, protect families, and make our community safer.

In 2007, Congressman Panetta volunteered for active duty and was deployed to Afghanistan in support of Operation Enduring Freedom. He worked with Special Forces units and as a result of his meritorious service in a combat zone, Congressman Panetta was awarded the Bronze Star. Upon returning home, he served as a board member of the Veterans Transition Center where he focused on ending veterans’ homelessness and improving resources for his fellow veterans and their families. He was also instrumental in the opening of Monterey County’s first Veterans Treatment Court to ensure veterans receive the proper representation in our legal system. Moreover, he worked with local leaders and veterans to establish the Central Coast Veterans Cemetery on the former Fort Ord. He was a Monterey County Veteran of the Year in 2015.

Growing up in Monterey County, Congressman Panetta attended local public schools and Monterey Peninsula College. He graduated from the University of California at Davis with an undergraduate degree in International Relations and earned his law degree from Santa Clara University. His wife, Carrie McIntyre Panetta, is a Superior Court judge in Monterey County, and they have two daughters.

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