contact Young Kim

congress Young Kim Contact information

Here you will find contact information for congress Young Kim, including email address, phone number, and mailing address.

Name Young Kim
Position congress
State California
Party Republican
Office Room 1306 LHOB
Phone number (202) 225-4111
email Email Form
Contact Representative Young Kim
Young Oak Kim is a South Korean-born American politician serving as the U.S. Representative for California's 39th congressional district. A member of the Republican Party, her district includes northern parts of Orange County.

Young Kim for congress

Congresswoman Young Kim is proud to represent California’s 39th District, which includes parts of Los Angeles, Orange, and San Bernardino counties, in the U.S. House of Representatives.

An immigrant, small business owner, community leader, and mother, Young is proud to be one of the first Korean-American women ever to serve in Congress and help all Americans have the chance to achieve their dream just like she did.

As an immigrant to the United States, Young has dedicated her life to giving back to her community. She started her public service as Director of Community Relations and Asian Affairs for former Congressman Ed Royce (CA-39), where she was a key liaison to 39th District and advisor on issues pertaining to the Asian-American community and foreign policy.

Prior to serving in Congress, Young was the first ever Korean-American Republican woman to serve in the California State Assembly. As an Assemblywoman, Young fought to grow jobs , support small businesses, ensure public safety, promote educational opportunities, support veterans, and protect victims of domestic violence.

Young is a small business owner, a long-time community leader, and has been actively involved in numerous organizations throughout the 39th District. She and her husband Charles reside in La Habra and are the proud parents of four grown children – Christine, Kelly, Alvin, and Hannah.

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