contact Kevin Mullin

congress Kevin Mullin Contact information

Here you will find contact information for congress Kevin Mullin, including email address, phone number, and mailing address.

Name Kevin Mullin
Position congress
State California
Party Democratic
Office Room 1404 Longworth House Office Building
Phone number (202) 225-3531
email Email Form
Contact Representative Kevin Mullin
Kevin Mullin is proud to be representing CA-15 in the U.S. House of Representatives, to defend our democracy, strengthen climate resilience, and build an economy that works for everyone.

Kevin Mullin for congress

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A 4th generation Californian and San Mateo County native, Kevin Mullin is proud to be representing CA-15 in the U.S. House of Representatives, to defend our democracy, strengthen climate resilience, and build an economy that works for everyone.

Kevin’s passion for civic engagement and democracy started early. As the son of a high school government teacher and a mother who enjoyed lively discussion at the dinner table, Kevin learned early that civic engagement and being an active participant in the political process gives you a voice in your local, state and federal government.

As a senior in high school, Kevin participated in the Close-Up program where he first visited the nation’s capital, as well as the City of South San Francisco’s Youth in Government Day program (founded by his father Gene Mullin) providing him and fellow students with the opportunity to see first-hand the inner workings of local government. Later in life, he participated in the program as an elected official and was reminded of the importance of engaging young people in their democracy.

His elected experience began as a member of the City of South San Francisco City Council from 2007-2012, serving as Mayor in 2011. He then represented San Mateo County in the California State Assembly from 2012-2022, serving as the Speaker pro Tem from 2014 until his departure, making him the longest tenured Speaker pro Tem of the modern era.

As the #2 officer in the Assembly, Kevin was part of the leadership team and presided regularly over floor sessions. In this role, Kevin made rulings on parliamentary inquiries and helped ensure bi-partisan cooperation and civility during Assembly business.

During his Assembly tenure, Kevin had over 60 bills signed into law, many focusing on elections and democracy reform. He championed All-Vote-By-Mail elections, and was author of the landmark DISCLOSE Act as well as the Social Media DISCLOSE Act so voters can easily see who is actually paying for political advertisements on TV and social media.

Kevin is a champion for climate resiliency. He was one of the architects of the $3.7 billion climate resilience package, helped ensure funding was allocated for Caltrain electrification, and worked to ensure the creation of San Mateo County’s OneShoreline, the agency that will help fight sea level rise and work to protect local, state, and federal assets and infrastructure.

Kevin is also hard-of-hearing and wears hearing aids, and has been an advocate for the deaf and hard-of-hearing community, through consumer protection legislation.

Kevin served as an aide to his political mentor, former Congresswoman Jackie Speier when she was a state legislator. He has also been a local small communications business owner and television host and commentator.

Kevin graduated from Junipero Serra High School in San Mateo and the University of San Francisco and has a master’s degree from San Francisco State University. He also studied leadership at Harvard’s Kennedy School of Government. Kevin is a passionate Bay Area sports fan and closely follows the Golden State Warriors, San Francisco 49ers and Giants, and his alma mater’s U.S.F. Dons. As a retired mobile DJ formerly known as “Cutmaster Kevvy Kev”, he still mixes music for fun. Kevin, his wife Jessica and their twin boys, Liam and Landon enjoy walking, hiking or biking on trails throughout the beautiful San Francisco Bay Area.


Congressman Kevin Mullin has served San Mateo County for over a decade as a South San Francisco city councilmember and Mayor, and as Assemblymember since 2013. Kevin has gotten more than 60 of his bills signed into law during his tenure, including landmark legislation pioneering all vote-by-mail elections and combating dark money in state campaigns.

Kevin ran for Congress to fight for the future of our democracy and the planet. In the Assembly, Kevin fought for and won funding for wetlands restoration and climate resiliency - the largest resiliency investment in California history.

In Congress, Kevin will work to ensure the country follows California’s lead to end the sale of new gasoline motor vehicles by 2035 and to electrify public transit as CalTrain plans to do in its modernization plan.

Elections reform and strengthening our democracy have been Kevin’s top priorities in the Assembly. In Congress, he will continue to defend our democracy from those who ignore the will of the people and the rule of law.

He authored the first-in-the-nation DISCLOSE Act to put a stop to “dark money” and reveal the true funders of ballot measures and candidates. He passed universal vote-by-mail so every voter receives a paper ballot postage paid, resulting in record participation and turnout. He was also a co-author of the landmark law automatically registering Californians to vote.

KM, Jessica & Sunshine.jpeg In order to address the sky-high cost of housing, Kevin passed bills that prioritized local affordable housing for state housing funds and made it easier to build housing for teachers. In Congress, he will fight to increase funding for federal housing assistance and tax credits. And he will fight for real tax fairness where billionaires pay their fair share and an economy that works for all with equity at the center.

A 4th generation Californian and San Mateo County native, Kevin graduated from Junipero Serra High School, received a B.A. in Communications from the University of San Francisco, and a Master’s degree in Public Administration (M.P.A.) from San Francisco State University. Kevin also completed the Harvard University’s Kennedy School of Government Leadership for the 21st Century Program.

Kevin served on the South San Francisco City Council from 2007 - 2012, serving as Mayor in 2011. His background also includes serving as district director for then-State Senator Jackie Speier and as political director for his father, former State Assemblymember Gene Mullin.

As an entrepreneur, Kevin created KM2 Communications—a multimedia production business in South San Francisco. He has produced numerous documentaries and public affairs programming seen on local television, and has hosted various programs on Peninsula-TV Channel 26.

He lives in South San Francisco with his wife, Jessica Stanfill Mullin, and their twin boys.


In the Assembly, Kevin authored legislation to streamline the planning process and make it easier for school districts to build educator housing, created Affordable Housing Authorities (AHA), a redevelopment-like tool for local governments to build affordable housing, and prioritized the preservation of affordable units for Housing and Community Development funding.

The federal government has largely left the playing field when it comes to affordable housing. We need a full federal funding partner and full restoration of the federal government’s Low-Income Housing Tax Credit. In Congress, Kevin will work to ensure that HUD is held accountable for distributing federal funds to the Bay Area and specifically CA-15.

Building more affordable, low carbon housing is imperative. While freeing up federal funding, Kevin will also prioritize working with local leaders and developers to create pathways for increased housing development. And in Congress, Kevin will fight to make sure that landlords are incentivized to rent out housing that already exists.

transportation funding

As a former member of the Metropolitan Transportation Commission, and recipient of the John C. Foran Legislative Leadership Award, Kevin is passionate about seeking funding to improve the Bay Area’s crucial transportation network - which has HUGE needs, but also incredible opportunities to transform itself into a truly world class, integrated nine-county system, including the electrification of Caltrain.

Kevin advocated for and delivered over $1 Billion in Transportation Infrastructure Funding to the Peninsula during 10 years in the Assembly including: $200+ million for the Highway 101 managed lanes project through co-authorship of SB1; $600 million secured and legally protected for CalTrain electrification through authorship of AB1889; and carried the authorizing legislation for Measure W in San Mateo County which will generate over $40 million annually for 30 years.

Kevin also generated numerous “member requests” in the district totaling over $15 million for expanded ferry service, and an earmark in Regional Measure 3 of which he was a co-author, for $50 million for the 101/92 interchange improvements. We need federal leadership and significant investment in the technologies that are going to create pathways for energy efficient, cohesive public transportation and urban planning solutions.

In addition, Northern California needs a reliable, affordable regional rail network that can provide alternatives to Amtrak’s existing network. The Bay Area also offers a regionally specific opportunity for increased ferry access. In Congress, Kevin will fight to ensure that CA-15 is a major recipient of the Federal Bipartisan Infrastructure Deal investments so that he can expand his constituents' access to low carbon public transportation.


Once again, California leads the nation in developing solutions to some of our nation’s most challenging problems. While in the California legislature, Kevin streamlined the licensing processes to allow more child care businesses to open and build capacity for child care slots. In his role on the budget committee, he worked to bring historic levels of funding for child care subsidies and the funding of Transitional Kindergarten.

Kevin believes the historic funding slated for Child Care subsidies in the American Rescue Plan at the federal level must be resuscitated. Kevin will also fight to pass the Child Care for Working Families Act so that the Childcare and Development Block Grant can be properly funded.

America should lead the world in National Paid Family Leave, instead we are the only developed nation whose citizens are not federally entitled to one. Kevin will advocate for a paid family and medical leave that is on par with most major developed countries. The majority of Americans want a federal paid family leave program, and two-thirds of small business owners agree. It’s time for the federal government to give working families what they deserve.


Congressman Mullin has a long history of working on workforce development issues, first as a member of the San Mateo County Workforce Investment Board (WIB) and previously as the Speaker of the Assembly’s representative on the California Workforce Development Board. Any federal workforce development program requires bottom-up, holistic considerations including mental health, skills training, community building, and housing and transportation.

In Congress, Kevin will advocate for expansion of the Workforce Opportunity and Investment Act to help workers transition from heavy industries to a more tech-focused, clean energy economy. He will also be a vocal advocate for apprenticeship programs in the building trades and other industries.


At the state capitol, Kevin was an architect of a $3.7 billion package to combat climate change, authored the bill to create OneShoreline to fight sea level rise, and helped secure the largest climate investment in California history. Kevin pushed for clean-energy transit initiatives like CalTrain electrification and zero-emission buses and wrote the Climate Resilience Bond to protect our natural resources.

In Congress, Kevin Mullin will build on his Golden State accomplishments and prioritize bold climate action like the proposed Green New Deal to safeguard our planet for future generations and reduce emissions while also strengthening the American workforce with good-paying, middle-class, union jobs in the clean energy sector.


Kevin is proud of his 100% rating from Planned Parenthood Affiliates of California, and was the only Democrat in the race for CA-15 to have earned the sole endorsement of NARAL Pro-Choice America. Kevin co-authored powerful pro-choice legislation to protect women from prosecution for their own pregnancy outcomes and championed the amendment to enshrine the right to choose into the California State Constitution.

In Congress, Kevin will continue to fight back against an extremist Supreme Court by always standing up for reproductive rights and against attempts to restrict or criminalize abortion access, and voting to codify Roe v. Wade to ensure women remain in control of their own reproductive health decisions.


In the Assembly, Kevin Mullin has been a leader on protecting access to quality and affordable health care for all, passing bills that expanded health care access to all Californians regardless of immigration status, funded innovative approaches to behavioral health care, and made public employees’ spouses and children eligible to enroll in long-term care plans.

Kevin has been a strong voice for single-payer health care to ensure every family has equal access to the highest standard of medical and mental health care and treatment. Kevin supported AB1400, so California could pursue a government-run universal health care system in California and get profits out of health care. Kevin recognizes that care cannot be interrupted during any transition to a universal care model and will ensure that not-for-profit health care systems such as Kaiser Permanente continue to provide care during any future transition period.

In Congress, he’ll do the same thing, and get behind a federal Medicare for All law to expand and improve Medicare and guarantee that every American has access to the preventative or lifesaving care they need regardless of ability to pay, and prioritizing access to mental health care.


Making it easier for patients to access and afford the critical medication they need to maintain their quality of life has been a top priority for Congressman Kevin Mullin and formerly as Assembly Speaker pro Tem. In Sacramento, he wrote and passed the law that cut red tape and lowered costs by allowing medical assistants to manage prescription medication sales to patients, and improving care and reducing wait times at community clinics.

He helped win approval for the landmark law that made California the first state in the nation to produce its own generic prescription drugs, saving patients hundreds of millions of dollars, and stood up to the drug companies by passing a drug pricing transparency law.

In Congress, Kevin will be laser-focused on real progressive solutions to bring down the costs of prescription drugs for all Americans and allow Medicare to negotiate prices directly with drug manufacturers, while also acknowledging the important role the life sciences play in our innovation economy and job creation in CA-15 and throughout California.

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