all current Arizona State Senate members

Name District Party Email Room Phone
Lela Alston 5 D LALSTON 315 (602) 926-5829
Ken Bennett 1 R KBENNETT 303 (602) 926-5874
Sonny Borrelli 30 R SBORRELLI 212 (602) 926-5051
Flavio Bravo 26 D FBRAVO 313 (602) 926-4033
Eva Burch 9 D EBURCH 314 (602) 926-3374
Frank Carroll 28 R FCARROLL 301 (602) 926-3249
Eva Diaz 22 D EVA.DIAZ 311 (602) 926-3473
Denise “Mitzi” Epstein 12 D MEPSTEIN 213 (602) 926-4870
David C. Farnsworth 10 R DFARNSWORTH 303 (602) 926-3387
Brian Fernandez 23 D BFERNANDEZ 312 (602) 926-3098
Rosanna Gabaldón 21 D RGABALDON 305 (602) 926-3424
Sally Ann Gonzales 20 D SGONZALES 314 (602) 926-3278
David Gowan 19 R DGOWAN 300 (602) 926-5154
Theresa Hatathlie 6 D THATATHLIE 311 (602) 926-5160
Anna Hernandez 24 D ANNA.HERNANDEZ 308 (602) 926-3492
Jake Hoffman 15 R JAKE.HOFFMAN 306 (602) 926-3292
Steve Kaiser 2 R SKAISER 302 (602) 926-3314
John Kavanagh 3 R JKAVANAGH 200 (602) 926-5170
Anthony Kern 27 R AKERN 304 (602) 926-3497
Sine Kerr 25 R SKERR 212 (602) 926-5955
Christine Marsh 4 D CMARSH 315 (602) 926-3184
Juan Mendez 8 D JMENDEZ 213 (602) 926-4124
J.D. Mesnard 13 R JMESNARD 309 (602) 926-4481
Catherine Miranda 11 D CMIRANDA 313 (602) 926-3413
Warren Petersen 14 R WPETERSEN 205 (602) 926-4136
Wendy Rogers 7 R WROGERS 304 (602) 926-3042
Janae Shamp 29 R JSHAMP 302 (602) 926-3499
Thomas “T.J.” Shope 16 R TSHOPE 310 (602) 926-3012
Priya Sundareshan 18 D PSUNDARESHAN 303A (602) 926-3437
Raquel Terán 26 D - - -
Justine Wadsack 17 R JWADSACK 307 (602) 926-3106

members of the Arizona House of Representatives

Name District Party Email Room Phone
Cesar Aguilar 26 D CAGUILAR 122 (602) 926-3953
Lorena Austin 9 D LAUSTIN 124 (602) 926-3968
Leo Biasiucci 30 R LBIASIUCCI 208 (602) 926-3018
Seth Blattman 9 D SBLATTMAN 125 (602) 926-3996
Selina Bliss 1 R SBLISS 344 (602) 926-4018
Flavio Bravo 26 D To fill vacancy N/A N/A
Andrés Cano 20 D ACANO 320 (602) 926-3027
Michael Carbone 25 R MCARBONE 341 (602) 926-4038
Neal Carter 15 R NCARTER 130 (602) 926-5761
Joseph Chaplik 3 R JCHAPLIK 224 (602) 926-3436
Lupe Contreras 22 D LCONTRERAS 330 (602) 926-5284
Patricia Contreras 12 D PCONTRERAS 126 (602) 926-4057
David L Cook 7 R DCOOK 313 (602) 926-5162
Oscar De Los Santos 11 D ODELOSSANTOS 318 (602) 926-4098
Lupe Diaz 19 R LDIAZ 302 (602) 926-4852
Timothy M Dunn 25 R TDUNN 114 (602) 926-4139
John Gillette 30 R JGILLETTE 345 (602) 926-4100
Travis Grantham 14 R TGRANTHAM 204 (602) 926-4868
Matt Gress 4 R MGRESS 112 (602) 926-4105
Gail Griffin 19 R GGRIFFIN 225 (602) 926-5895
Nancy Gutierrez 18 D NGUTIERREZ 324 (602) 926-4134
Liz Harris 13 R Expelled N/A N/A
Justin Heap 10 R JHEAP 309 (602) 926-4181
Laurin Hendrix 14 R LHENDRIX 312 (602) 926-4209
Alma Hernandez 20 D AHERNANDEZ 338 (602) 926-3136
Consuelo Hernandez 21 D CHERNANDEZ 117 (602) 926-3523
Lydia Hernandez 24 D LHERNANDEZ 334 (602) 926-3553
Melody Hernandez 8 D MHERNANDEZ 321 (602) 926-3449
Rachel Jones 17 R RACHEL.JONES 303 (602) 926-3558
Alexander Kolodin 3 R AKOLODIN 310 (602) 926-3560
David Livingston 28 R DLIVINGSTON 222 (602) 926-4178
Jennifer L Longdon 5 D JLONGDON 115 (602) 926-3264
David Marshall, Sr. 7 R DMARSHALL 316 (602) 926-3579
Teresa Martinez 16 R TMARTINEZ 207 (602) 926-3158
Christopher Mathis 18 D CMATHIS 337 (602) 926-3138
Cory McGarr 17 R CMCGARR 304 (602) 926-3630
Steve Montenegro 29 R SMONTENEGRO 205 (602) 926-3635
Quang H Nguyen 1 R QNGUYEN 226 (602) 926-3258
Analise Ortiz 24 D ANALISE.ORTIZ 335 (602) 926-3633
Barbara Parker 10 R BPARKER 308 (602) 926-3681
Jacqueline Parker 15 R JPARKER 129 (602) 926-3375
Jennifer Pawlik 13 D JPAWLIK 118 (602) 926-3193
Kevin Payne 27 R KPAYNE 110 (602) 926-4854
Michele Peña 23 R MPENA 342 (602) 926-3696
Mae Peshlakai 6 D MPESHLAKAI 116 (602) 926-3708
Beverly Pingerelli 28 R BPINGERELLI 131 (602) 926-3396
Marcelino Quiñonez 11 D MQUINONEZ 322 (602) 926-3285
Athena Salman 8 D ASALMAN 331 (602) 926-4858
Mariana Sandoval 23 D MSANDOVAL 326 (602) 926-3740
Judy Schwiebert 2 D JSCHWIEBERT 120 (602) 926-3390
Keith Seaman 16 D KSEAMAN 119 (602) 926-3760
Amish Shah 5 D ASHAH 123 (602) 926-3280
Austin Smith 29 R AUSTIN.SMITH 113 (602) 926-3831
Stephanie Stahl Hamilton 21 D SSTAHLHAMILTON 333 (602) 926-3279
Leezah Elsa Sun 22 D LSUN 325 (602) 926-3881
Laura Terech 4 D LTERECH 323 (602) 926-3894
Ben Toma 27 R BTOMA 223 (602) 926-3298
Stacey Travers 12 D STRAVERS 332 (602) 926-3917
Myron Tsosie 6 D MTSOSIE 339 (602) 926-3157
Julie Willoughby 13 R JWILLOUGHBY 306 (602) 926-4153
Justin Wilmeth 2 R JWILMETH 111 (602) 926-5044

Please note that this table may not include any recent changes or updates to the Arizona House of Representatives. For the most accurate and up-to-date information, it is recommended to visit the official website of the Arizona Legislature