contact Kyrsten Sinema

senator Kyrsten Sinema Contact information

Here you will find contact information for senator Kyrsten Sinema, including email address, phone number, and mailing address.

Name Kyrsten Sinema
Position senator
State Arizona
Party Independent
Born July 12, 1976
Entered Office January 3, 2019
Mailing Address 317 Hart Senate Office Building Washington DC 20510
Phone number 202 224-4521
email Email Form
Know more about Senator Kyrsten Sinema (D-AZ) campaign manifest
Kyrsten Lea Sinema is an American politician serving as the senior United States Senator for Arizona since January 2019.

Kyrsten Sinema for senator

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Arizonans know Washington is dysfunctional. Too many politicians are more concerned about the next election than doing what’s best for everyday people. Many think the rules we all follow don’t apply to them.

Not Kyrsten.

Kyrsten was ranked the third most independent member of Congress. Kyrsten supports the No Budget, No Pay bill that says if Congress doesn’t pass a budget, they shouldn’t get paid. She voted against her own pay raise and cosponsored legislation to dock pay for members of Congress who engage in bad behavior.

She also worked across the aisle to introduce the Cut The Perks Act, a bill that holds political appointees accountable for misusing taxpayer dollars and requires them to pay back illegally spent funds.

Arizonans know neither party is right all the time and Congress needs to work together to get things done. We believe that delivering results is more important than scoring political points. That’s why Kyrsten will work with anyone – regardless of party – who’s serious about getting things done for everyday Arizonans.


Growing up, Kyrsten’s family struggled to make ends meet and, for a while, they didn’t have health insurance. That experience helped shape Kyrsten’s belief that no child should ever go without a doctor, and no family should be forced to choose between getting the care they need and paying their bills. It’s why she voted against health care repeal that would have stripped coverage from hundreds of thousands of Arizonans, sent premiums skyrocketing for older patients and those with pre–existing conditions, and cut billions in funding from AHCCCS, worsening the opioid epidemic in Arizona.

Kyrsten knows our health care system is broken, but she believes we should work together to fix the problems – not simply repeal everything without real solutions.

Kyrsten is committed to making sure Arizonans have access to more health care choices, low–cost prescription drugs, and high–quality, dependable coverage. As one of the most independent–minded members of Congress, she’s committed to working with anyone – regardless of party – to get it done.


Kyrsten comes from a military family – one brother is a Marine and the other is an active duty Sailor – so for her, honoring our commitments to veterans is personal. Kyrsten believes taking care of our active duty military and veterans is one of the most important obligations we have as Americans. Every American who wears the uniform deserves our respect and full support, both on the battlefield and when he or she returns home.

When Kyrsten learned the Phoenix VA was failing to provide adequate care for Arizona veterans, she stood up for those who defend our freedoms and took on the VA to make sure no veteran is left without the care he or she needs. Kyrsten worked across the aisle to improve health care for veterans, expand educational opportunities, and hold the VA accountable. She cosponsored the VA MISSION Act to help ensure Arizona veterans have access to the high-quality health care they deserve, where and when they need it. The VA MISSION Act was signed into law in June 2018. Kyrsten has also supported our veterans by hosting Boots to Books resource fairs to connect them with the educational opportunities they need to start their next careers.

As an independent voice for Arizona, Kyrsten will keep fighting to make sure every veteran gets the benefits he or she has earned.


Kyrsten knows there’s nothing more important than keeping Arizona families safe. That’s why she’s worked to keep our military strong and fully funded, pushed for aggressive action to defeat ISIS and other overseas threats, and supported law enforcement here at home.

Kyrsten believes we need a strong, smart strategy to defeat terrorism. That means destroying terrorists abroad and stopping terrorists from entering our country. Kyrsten has fought to cut off terrorist groups from the illicit revenue they count on. She has passed laws to make sure the United States has an effective plan to keep money out of the hands of terrorists and to cut off oil revenue to ISIS.

Arizona has a proud military tradition, and servicemembers and veterans are a vital part of our communities. That’s why Kyrsten has worked to save military jobs here in Arizona and voted to increase funding for our military bases and give servicemembers a pay raise. In the Senate, she’ll continue working to ensure our troops have everything they need to keep us safe and free.


Kyrsten knows how important it is to keep our promises to seniors. She understands that Medicare and Social Security aren’t line items in a budget for politicians to cut – they’re benefits Arizonans have earned through a lifetime of hard work. Kyrsten is committed to protecting benefits for current seniors and future generations, and she refuses to cut Medicare and Social Security or raise the retirement age.

Kyrsten is working to root out waste, fraud, and abuse in the system to strengthen Social Security and Medicare. She’s also protected seniors’ hard-earned savings from financial fraud by introducing bills like the Senior Safe Act, which was signed into law in 2018.

After a lifetime of hard work, Arizonans deserve to retire with dignity. Kyrsten is committed to making sure our seniors get the respect and security they deserve.


Kyrsten knows that for Arizona to thrive, we have to build an economy that works for everyone. She’s worked across the aisle to help create good-paying jobs, cut red tape for small businesses, and grow Arizona’s economy. Kyrsten is committed to closing the gender pay gap because making sure every Arizonan gets equal pay for equal work is critical to our state’s economic success.

Kyrsten believes supporting Arizona businesses is key to creating jobs and helping our communities thrive. In recognition of her support for Arizona businesses, Kyrsten has received the Chamber of Commerce’s Spirit of Enterprise award every year she has served Arizona in Congress.

Kyrsten is committed to helping Arizonans thrive all across our state. She’s worked across the aisle to help family farmers, supported expanding rural broadband, and fought to protect community health centers that are so vital to rural Arizona.

Kyrsten went through tough times as a kid and education was her ticket to a better life. Kyrsten understands education is the key to economic opportunity and must be supported at all levels. That’s why Kyrsten worked with Senator John McCain to protect $3.5 billion in school funding for Arizona. She has also worked across the aisle to make college and skills training more affordable. Kyrsten is committed to making sure all Arizonans have the skills they need to succeed in the 21st century workforce.


Arizonans understand that Washington’s failure to act on immigration has hurt our economy and our communities. We want real solutions to fix this broken system, not just more partisan talk. Arizonans know that commonsense immigration solutions would secure our border, protect our DREAMers, keep families together, and strengthen Arizona’s economy. That’s why Kyrsten continues to work across the aisle on commonsense immigration solutions.

Kyrsten is a cosponsor of the USA Act, a solution supported by both parties that invests in smart border security while providing permanent protection for Dreamers. Kyrsten is also a long-time supporter of the DREAM Act. DREAMers are hardworking Arizonans who serve in our military, graduate from our schools, and contribute to our economy. She believes they deserve to become citizens of the only country they’ve ever known.

Kyrsten will continue working to fix the broken immigration system so we can keep Arizonans safe and our families strong.


Kyrsten has always been a passionate advocate for women and families. Her first job was helping survivors of domestic violence, and she’s taken that dedication into public service. In Arizona, Kyrsten passed laws to increase penalties on sex traffickers and empower law enforcement to crack down on predators. Kyrsten stood up for kids by working with her colleagues across the aisle to expand the critically important AMBER Alert system to tribal lands in Arizona and across the U.S. She also successfully led a bipartisan effort to reauthorize the Violence Against Women Act.

Kyrsten believes a woman, her family, and her doctor should decide what’s best for her health – not Washington politicians. She stands up for women’s health clinics like Planned Parenthood and opposes efforts to let employers deny workers coverage for basic health care like birth control.

Kyrsten believes women deserve equal pay for equal work, and she’s determined to help close the gender pay gap.

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