contact Ruben Gallego

congress Ruben Gallego Contact information

Here you will find contact information for congress Ruben Gallego, including email address, phone number, and mailing address.

Name Ruben Gallego
Position congress
State Arizona
Party Democratic
Office Room 1131 LHOB
Phone number (202) 225-4065
email Email Form
Contact Representative Ruben Gallego
Ruben Marinelarena Gallego is an American politician who is the U.S. Representative for Arizona's 7th congressional district.

Ruben Gallego for congress

Congressman Ruben Gallego represents the 7th District of Arizona, including parts of Phoenix, Glendale, and Tolleson, in the U.S. House of Representatives. He was first elected in 2014.

Representative Gallego is a Marine Corps combat veteran, a lifelong community leader, and the son of Hispanic immigrants. He was the first in his family to attend college, graduating from Harvard University.

Congressman Gallego enlisted in the Marine Corps and deployed to Iraq in 2005 as an infantryman, serving with Lima Company, 3rd Battalion, 25th Marines. His Company saw some of the worst fighting of the Iraq War, losing 22 Marines and a Navy Corpsman to enemy action in eight months. Following his experience in Iraq, Congressman Gallego committed to ensuring that servicemen and –women are never sent into harm’s way without a plan for winning the fight, securing the peace, and providing post-conflict medical, psychological and familial care.

Congressman Gallego was elected to the Arizona House of Representatives in 2010 and served until 2014. As a state legislator, Congressman Gallego became known for his tough stance against extreme legislation pushed by Republicans in the state legislature. He also led the push for Medicaid expansion and securing in-state tuition for veterans.

In Congress, Representative Gallego has largely focused on U.S. national security during his time in Washington. As a member of the House Armed Services Committee and chair of the Intelligence and Special Operations subcommittee, he has worked tirelessly to ensure the safe return of American troops following the withdrawal from Afghanistan. He has led the effort to support front line allies like the Baltic States and protect our forces in Germany and across Europe.As co-chair for the Baltic Caucus, the Representative has championed funding for the Baltic Security Initiative, which provides critical support to Baltic allies. He has also ensured that U.S. Forces in Korea – the front line of our defense against North Korea – remain a credible deterrent force. With the passage of his NDAA amendments, he has led the response to companies like Huawei and ZTE, state-directed organizations that threaten our national security and our next generation infrastructure. He believes in retaining the United States’ qualitative military edge and in employing U.S. military power only when necessary.

As a member of the House Committee on Veterans’ Affairs and Subcommittee on Economic Opportunity, Representative Gallego works to improve the health and wellbeing of as well as the economic and educational opportunities for veterans by improving care – including mental health care – and oversight at the VA, investing in cutting-edge veterans education and career support programs, and ensuring that all veterans can access the benefits they’ve earned. Rep. Gallego has also championed funding to address veterans’ homelessness in the Phoenix area and across the country, an issue he has been passionate about since he first worked with homeless veterans at a non-profit after leaving the service himself.

Congressman Gallego is also a member of the House Natural Resources Committee and the Subcommittee for Indigenous Peoples of the United States (SCIP), where he has fought to uphold Tribal sovereignty and our federal trust responsibility to Native Americans and Alaska Natives. As the former Chairman of SCIP, he held the first-ever House hearing on Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women, led the fight to protect sacred spaces and affirm Tribal Nations’ right to sovereign homelands, and championed investment in broadband and other critical infrastructure on Tribal land. In addition, he has used his platform on the Natural Resources Committee to advocate for stronger federal land and wildlife conservation laws, public lands policy that combats climate change, and improved public access to America’s iconic public lands.

Congressman Gallego is a member and former First Vice Chair of the Congressional Hispanic Caucus, a member of the Congressional Progressive Caucus, a Vice Chair of the LGBT Equality Caucus, and a Democratic Caucus Assistant Whip.

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