contact Elijah Crane

congress Elijah Crane Contact information

Here you will find contact information for congress Elijah Crane, including email address, phone number, and mailing address.

Name Elijah Crane
Position congress
State Arizona
Party Republican
Office Room 1229 Longworth House Office Building
Phone number (202) 225-3361
email Email Form
Contact Representative Elijah Crane
Eli Crane is a combat veteran, small-business owner, husband, father and native Arizonan.

Elijah Crane for congress

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Congressman Elijah Crane

Eli Crane is a combat veteran, small-business owner, husband, father and native Arizonan.

Eli went on five war time deployments, three of them to the Middle East with SEAL Team 3 and served our country for 13 years – protecting and defending America’s freedom, way of life, and Constitution.

Now Eli and his wife Jen own a small business in Tucson. Together they started Bottle Breacher, a successful company featured on Shark Tank that employs and gives back to veterans nationwide. Eli knows the struggles small business owners and employees in Arizona face, that is why he believes in low taxes, less regulation, and supporting pro-growth, pro-job policies.

But Eli’s most important mission to date has been raising his two daughters. He is proud to be raising his family in Arizona and is ready to fight for their future.

Eli is a faith-oriented, family man and is pro-life, pro-second amendment, and unafraid to take a stand against cancel culture and the radical left. He is active in Arizona as a brand ambassador for Sig Sauer firearms and as a former member of the national Advisory Committee on Veteran Business Affairs. Eli believes in giving back to local communities and helps support numerous vet organizations every year.


Eli knows that without fair elections, our Republic cannot be saved.

Eli will fearlessly fight for clean elections and will push back aggressively against voter fraud.

Arizona and America must reinstate Election Day voting, bolster polling sites, end unregulated mail-out balloting and enact stronger voter ID laws and stiffer penalties for anyone caught harvesting ballots or found guilty of voter fraud.


Eli is the only candidate in this race endorsed by the National Border Patrol Council.

As a Navy SEAL in Iraq, Eli stopped terrorists from wreaking havoc. As your Congressman, he will work tirelessly to stop human traffickers, cartel drug dealers and terrorists from entering our southern border.

There is an invasion on our southern border. Eli believes it’s time we gained operational control of our borders and empower border patrol agents.


Eli will never support Vaccine Mandates or Mask Mandates. Period.

Eli will never stand silent while businesses and schools are shuttered.

Eli believes it is every citizen’s personal freedom to decide if they want to get vaccinated. This is fundamental to preserving liberty in the face of tyranny.

Eli will fight to ban federal funding for gain-of-function research.


Eli will fight to ban Critical Race Theory in Arizona’s schools. Our kids should be educated, not indoctrinated.

Eli will fight back against Big Tech’s rampant censorship of free speech.

Eli is proudly and unflinchingly pro-life and pro-Second Amendment and will never apologize for it.


As a small business owner, Eli cannot just print money. As inflation rates and the national debt skyrocket, Congress continues to spend money we don’t have. This is unacceptable.

Eli will fight for lower taxes, less regulation, and pro-growth policies. The more money that Arizonans get to keep in their pockets and the least government involvement, the better.

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