contact Doug Ducey

governor Doug Ducey Contact information

Here you will find contact information for governor Doug Ducey, including email address, phone number, and mailing address.

Name Doug Ducey
Position governor
State Arizona
Party Republican
Born April 9, 1964
Entered Office January 5, 2015
Terms1 January 5, 2015 - January 6, 2019
Terms 2 January 7, 2019 - Current
Mailing Address State Capitol, 1700 West Washington, Phoenix, AZ, 85007
Phone number 602/542-4331
fax 1 602/542-7601
email Email Form
contact Governor Doug Ducey
Governor Ducey was born in Toledo, Ohio. He moved to Arizona in 1982 to attend Arizona State University, where he graduated with a Bachelor of Science in Finance. He and his wife, Angela, live in Paradise Valley with their three sons, Jack, Joe and Sam. He is Arizona’s 23rd governor. Elected in 2014, and re-elected in 2018, Governor Ducey applied his experience from a successful career in business to bring much-needed change to Arizona government. Committed to investing in public education, Governor Ducey led a historic and bipartisan effort to invest $3.5 billion into K-12 schools in his first year, injecting more dollars into Arizona’s classrooms. With a focus on teacher pay, the governor also successfully championed the passage of legislation to increase teacher pay 20 percent by 2020. Governor Ducey cut regulations and simplified taxes to stimulate job creation and economic growth. He also prioritized public safety, creating the Arizona Border Strike Force, a statewide, multi-agency effort to combat border-related crime.

Doug Ducey for governor

On This Page

Doug Ducey is committed to expanding opportunity for all Arizonans – and as a successful businessman, he’s brought much-needed change to Arizona government.

Doug came to Arizona in 1982 to attend Arizona State University, where he graduated with a Bachelor’s Degree in Finance. After graduation he worked for Procter & Gamble and ultimately landed at Cold Stone Creamery, where he helped grow a small company to one with over 1,440 locations around the world. He and his partners sold the company in 2007.

Alarmed by deficit spending and the growth of government, Doug ran for public office to make a difference, first as Arizona State Treasurer and then as Arizona’s 23rd Governor.

Building on his business experience, Doug took a $1 billion deficit in his first year and balanced the budget – without raising taxes.

He believes in the importance of education, and led an historic, bi-partisan effort to inject $3.5 billion into Arizona’s K-12 schools, helping boost teacher pay and put more money in the classroom — again, all without raising taxes.

He’s cut regulations to stimulate jobs and has reduced taxes every year. In addition, Doug launched Arizona’s Border Strike Force, a partnership with local, state and federal law enforcement to enhance security along Arizona’s southern border, targeting drug cartels and human traffickers.

Doug is proud of his administration’s work to reduce/eliminate the backlog of untested rape kits, and proactive measures to help people fight drug addiction and get a second chance in their lives.

He and his wife, Angela, live in Paradise Valley with their three sons, Jack, Joe and Sam.

Educational Excellence

A great economy requires great public schools. Arizona is already doing a lot of things well, with three of the top 10 public high schools in the country and nationally renowned teachers and principals. During his first year in office, the Governor worked with the legislature to pass a historic $3.5 billion dollar funding plan for Arizona public schools. He remains committed to ensuring kids and teachers get the resources they have been asking for while realizing that spending is not the measure of success. He will continue to work with lawmakers and education leaders on reforms that improve educational results and help kids reach their full potential.

21st Century Economy

As our economy advances, our government and our laws need to modernize too – and that means ensuring government regulations don’t prohibit or delay hardworking Arizonans from making a living. Governor Ducey has already taken significant action to help small businesses and start-ups thrive, and will continue to embrace innovation and support 21st century companies that employ Arizonans, advance the way we do business and improve the way we live.

Protecting our Communities

Government’s number one responsibility is keeping its citizens and homeland safe. Governor Ducey has made public safety a top priority, with significant new investments in child safety, an enhanced partnership with local and federal law enforcement, and initiatives to combat human trafficking, drug smuggling, and the scourge of drug addiction.

Fiscal Responsibility

When Governor Ducey took office, he inherited a $1 billion dollar budget deficit. To bring Arizona back into the black and put the state on sustainable path forward, government needed to stop spending money it didn’t have. The Governor and the legislature worked together to pass a budget that put Arizona on a path to structural balance for the first time since 2007. Governor Ducey is committed to being responsible with our budget, investing in the future, and allowing the people to keep more of the dollars they earn.

Happy Healthy Citizens

Governor Ducey’s vision for Arizona depends on a strong, innovative economy supported by healthy citizens living in clean, safe communities. Whether you’re a city dweller or live far from the hustle and bustle, a healthy Arizona delivers peace and prosperity for all, including our most vulnerable, with a rich, sustainable natural environment of clear skies, clean water and lands to safely roam, work and play.

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