contact Mike Dunleavy

governor Mike Dunleavy Contact information

Here you will find contact information for governor Mike Dunleavy, including email address, phone number, and mailing address.

Name Mike Dunleavy
Position governor
State Alaska
Party Republican
Born May 5, 1961
Entered Office December 3, 2018
Terms1 December 3, 2018 - Current
Terms 2
Mailing Address State Capitol, P.O. Box 110001, Juneau, AK, 99811-0001
Phone number 907/465-3500
fax 1 907/465-3532
email Email Form
contact Governor Mike Dunleavy
Governor Mike Dunleavy arrived in Alaska in 1983 as a young man looking for opportunity, and he found it.

Mike Dunleavy for governor

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about Governor Mike Dunleavy

Governor Mike Dunleavy arrived in Alaska in 1983 as a young man looking for opportunity, and he found it. His first job was working in a logging camp in Southeast Alaska. Later on, Governor Dunleavy pursued his dream of becoming a teacher. He earned his teacher’s certificate, and then a master of education degree from the University of Alaska Fairbanks. He spent nearly two decades in northwest Arctic communities working as a teacher, principal, and superintendent.

Governor Dunleavy’s wife Rose is from the Kobuk River Valley community of Noorvik. Together, they have three children – Maggie, Catherine, and Ceil – who were raised in both rural and urban Alaska.

Governor Dunleavy and his family moved to Wasilla in 2004, where he owned an educational consulting firm and worked on a number of educational projects statewide. Dunleavy served on the Mat-Su Borough School Board, with two years as Board President, and then as a state senator for five years.

The Dunleavys enjoy spending time together as a family, often in Alaska’s great outdoors. Hunting, fishing, snowmachining, and camping are all favorite activities.

Governor Dunleavy is focused on moving Alaska forward and believes that our greatest years are yet to come if we work together to maximize our potential.


Mike Dunleavy strongly supports our men and women in blue. The results speak for themselves: Mike repealed Alaska’s disastrous catch-and-release program (SB 91), drove crime rates down 18%, and is hiring troopers at historic rates. Public safety is Mike Dunleavy’s top priority.


In 2013, Mike helped enshrine Alaska as a Second Amendment sanctuary in state law. Dunleavy continues to fight Biden’s assault on the Second Amendment by refusing enforce any violation of Alaskan’s constitutional rights. Lots of politicians talk a big game when it comes to gun rights, but Mike has the record to back it up.


No state has been more negatively impacted by the Biden administration’s encroachment than Alaska. Mike Dunleavy is working overtime to protect Alaskans’ rights by bringing legal action against the federal government. His actions include advancing responsible development in ANWR, and defending traditional Alaska Native hunting practices.


Mike believes that the Permanent Fund belongs to the people of Alaska, and he continues to fight to protect it from big government and special interests. Mike has proposed the “50/50 Plan” which would give voters a chance to protect the PFD and permanent fund in the Alaska constitution, and provides a fair split between Alaskans and their government: half goes to PFD checks, half goes towards government. This would result in a $2,350 PFD this year for every Alaskan, and be protected forever in the constitution.


Alaska’s education scores have long been some of the worst in the country, we must make changes to get better results. Mike has worked to get more kids reading by third grade, a critical age in development. He strongly believes that parents should be making the decisions about their kids’ education and experience with the school system.


Mike continues to battle those who believe the PFD should be used to fuel government in violation of Alaska’s laws. He has proposed three constitutional amendments barring any new taxes without a vote of the people, capping state spending, and guaranteeing the Permanent Fund dividend for future generations.


As the first state to open vaccine eligibility to everyone, Alaska’s pandemic success has been hailed across the country. Mike Dunleavy protected Alaskans' freedoms, worked across party lines, and refused to politicize the pandemic, while rapidly delivering nearly $2 billion in aid to Alaskans, communities, and small businesses.

He didn’t impose a mask mandate on Alaskans. Instead, he suspended nearly 300 regulations on businesses and medical professionals, allowing Alaska to be one of the first states in the country to be fully open for business.


Mike continues to hold the line on spending and reduce government excess while prioritizing programs that increase efficiency, provide better outcomes, and position Alaska for the future.

Under Mike’s administration, state spending has gone down every year, while increasing the number of troopers and VPSO’s and navigating the COVID-19 pandemic. In 2021, Mike established offices focused on Broadband and Renewable Energy to diversify Alaska’s economy and prepare for the future.

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